Video Production.

Here is where you can learn about video production.

The first thing about video production is to create your preproduction. This lists all the things you need to prepare in order to produce your video.

Preproduction for Video

Preproduction refers anything you do before shooting that will help you produce a better video. As always, the more time you spend preplanning your video project or any project, the better it will be.

One preproduction for each group. Size is limited to three people. If you want more members in your group, the extra member must complete these questions with different answers.

Write you answers to these questions before you even sign out a camera:

1. Write the name of your project

2. Add everyone’s first and last name

3. Write a general description as to what your video is about. Five – 5 sentences is enough. Five sentences maximum. And 5 sentences minimum.

4. Write your video script in a 2 column format. Here is a link to creating a video script template from The author just uses a two column table.

5. Complete a shot list, including CAST, camera directions, timing.

6. Draw your storyboard. Stick people are fine. Again give CAST, camera directions and intros and extro.

7. Who is your audience (demographics), age, gender, income?

8. Why did you pick this group?

9. Describe 2 video platforms will you target to reach your audience? Give a reason why you picked each platform?

10. What is it you want your audience to learn or remember?

11. What s the open message?

12. What is the hidden message?

13. What will you do if you audience doesn’t care?

14. Write a time line with specific dates. Build in cushion time.

15. Allow about 3 days for shooting and 5 to 6 days for editing.

Complete your preproduction and hand in before you start shooting.