Photo Proposal

For your midterm mark, hand in this proposal with your photo assignment by answering the following questions.

1. Project title

2. Your name

3. Project summary – a couple of sentences are fine.

4. List any materials you need, (camera, tripod or any supplies from home).

5. Draw a very neat hand drawn lighting diagram or use an online lighting diagram creator. Here is a link to Tuts Plus where there are a few examples

6. What is the open message?

7. What is the hidden message?

8. What is the purpose of your photos: to advertise, entertain, inform, magazine, news story, persuade, web photos, etc?

9. How could your photo be used as an advertisement? Find an actual ad.

10. How could your photo be used to illustrate an editorial or news story/feature? Find an actual news report of a similar product.

11. Create a time line. Include time for

I. writing your proposal and lighting diagram

II. shooting

III. post processing in Photoshop

IV. build in cushion time in case you are away.

In addition to the above questions, answer the following questions (below) for your midterm photo assignment.

12. A friend sees a copy of your photo and wants to buy it. How much would you charge? Give one reason why you picked this price. See also question 2.

13. What is your time worth? Consider that you are a grade 12 Com Tech Pro. You have 2 or 3 years of Com Tech education. It should be 2X the minimum wage. It could be more. Give one reason why for your answer. Consider what your time is worth when setting your price.

14. Do you feel comfortable, guilty, anxious, nervous, etc? Write a sentence or two describing why you feel the way you do about this amount.

15. Is there anything wrong with just giving your photos away? Give 1 reasons why.

16. Do you think we should charge for photos? Give 1 reasons why.

17. In a digital age, giving away photos weakens the value of all photographs? Do you agree or disagree and give 1 reason why.

18. Is this even important? Give one reason why.
