Using and Learning Photoshop

Here you will find links to help you learn Adobe Photoshop.

Basic Photoshop Steps

To download Adobe Photoshop, go to This a link to Adobe Canada. As Com Tech students, you get Adobe free for the duration of the class. To download follow thses steps:

  1. When you land on the site, go to the top right hand corner and click on log in. This will bring you to the login page.

  2. Now, just you type in your school email and click on continue.

  3. Do NOT click on continue with Google, Facebook or Apple.

  4. You will be taken to a page where it asks you to select an account. Select company or school account. Then add your school email.

  5. From there, you are logged in and simply follow the instruction to download.

To start using Photoshop, It is important to get a basic uderstanding of the Photoshop interface. Here is an intro video from Adobe on the basic interface. It is just over 3 minutes in length and covers the basics. Here is the same video from Adobe with ads:

For those of you who like to read, check out the link from Photoshop Esentials:

To learn the Photoshop tool bar, look on the othe end of this link.

Below are the basic here are basic steps I want you to follow:

After you open you image, complete the following 7 steps. Every time you do another step in Photoshop, you should always add and name your new layer.

1. Duplicate you layer and give it a name -- without ads --

2. Crop your photo -- without ads.--

2b. Crop your photo without deleting the unneeded pixels.

3. Adjust the levels -- without ads --

4. Adjust curves if needed -- without ads --

5. Create a new layer and use the spot healing brush to remove any acne, distractions or eye snags in the background .

6. Add your first and last name with the Text Tool -- without ads --

7a. Use the high pass filter to sharpen your photo. With ads --

7b. Here is a second video on using the high pass filter -- without ads --

When handing in your photos to Google Classroom, click on File and choose save as and convert your file to a jpg with the quality set to medium, between 5 and 7. Watch without ads --

Other links and steps will be added as the course progresses.

Photoshop Essentials is a web site that is dedicated to helping you learn Photoshop. Many of their tutorials are available as a PDF download. Here is a link to their website,