High Dynamic Range or HDR

High Dynamic Range Photography aka HDR

Our eyes have a very wide ability to see a full range of colours and tones. We can see into details in shadows and well as details bright areas.

Cameras on the other hand, have a limited ability to see in details and shadows. Using High Dynamic Range Photography, we can trick a camera into displaying a wider range details and colours than it normally would.

It works better on a sunny day, because there is a greater range of tones, deeper shadows and brighter highlights. So wait for a day when the sun to shine outside.

So you can see the differences between a sunny day and an overcast day, also try doing HDR on an overcast day.

Here are the steps to follow:

Normally we only take one photo, but in HDR, we take at least 3 photos, but for this assignment, I want you to take 5 exposures.

1. The first is the normal exposure

2. Take one photo at 1 stop over

3. Take one at 2 stops over

4. Take another at 1 stop under

5. Take the final at 2 stops under.

Here is a concrete example of a camera setting:

1. 1/60 at f/11

2. 1/30 at f/11

3. 1/15 at f/11

4, 1/125 at f/11

5. 1/250 at f/11

Note the f/stop remains the same, so the focus does not shift. These settings are just an example. Adjust your camera and ISO to the current conditions and take your exposure.

Here are extra steps you should follow to ensure you get an excellent photo.

• Use a tripod

• Do NOT move your camera.

• Look for a high contrast scene like in direct sun light.

Here is a short video to explain how it is done:


After you have collected you photos and uploaded them to the computer, launch Photoshop CC2018. Follow these steps.

1. Click on File

2. Scroll down to Automate

3. Click on Merge to HDR

4. Load your 5 photos

5. Click OK and watch for the results.

Here is a video to demonstrate how it is done.


Look at your photo and make any adjustment to improve contrast, levels and remember to sharpen the photo with the high pass filter or whatever sharpening technique you prefer.

Hand in:

Two sets of your HDR photos, the ones from a sunny day and the set from an overcast day.

✓ Your 5 original uncorrected photos

✓ Your edited and finished HDR photo

You will hand in 12 photos in total

Any question, come see me.