Grade 12 Com Tech


12 CT

Welcome grade 12 Com Tech students.

You are no longer amateurs. You are grade 12 Com Tech pros. Here is your very own Com Tech web site, where you will find all your assignments.

Your first assignment is a review to catch up from last year or whenever you last took Com Tech .

Proposal -- Updated for your Midterm Mark.

Here Are Your Photo Assignments

Notice: You can photograph this and any photo assignment as a group. Each member of the group must edit and hand in their own photos.

Take lots of photos so the everyone’s photos are not all the same.

Freeeeeeze Frame -- Shoot this assignment as a group and each group member hands in their own photos. A proposal is required.

Focus Stacking -- This is an individual assignment and a proposal is required.

Glass -- Shoot this assignment as a group and each group member hands in their own photos. A proposal is required.

High Dynamic Range -- This is an individual assignment and a proposal is required.

Painting with Light -- Shoot this assignment as a group and each group member hands in their own photos. A proposal is required.

Studio Portraits -- NO proposal required-- This is an individual assignment, although you will have to work with other students.


Instructional video or video blog aka Vlog

Audio production


You have a choice. Everyone must complete the Research Summative and do ONLY one of the following:

  1. Photo Summative -- High and Low Key Photos Shoot this assignment as a group and each group member hands in their own photos.
  2. Video Summative
  3. Optional Summative