Research Summative for 10 CT

Research Summative

Answer only 4 of the following questions. Ensure you cite any references you use to get your answers. Make sure you include the source from where you took your answers.

1 Scientist have enhanced Wi Fi signals that allow people to be seen through walls.

A Find out if it really exist?

B Find a photo of it

C Describe it and how it will be used?

D If you owned one, how would you use it?

2 British scientists have invented a camera that can see through objects to detect forgeries.

A Find out if it really exists?

B Find a photo of it

C Describe it and how it will be used?

D Can I take it on my vacation this coming summer?

3 Scottish scientists have invented a camera that photograph objects up 10 km away. It cannot photograph people because it does not detect skin, so if you want to have your picture taken with this camera, you to have wear a metal suit and mask.

A Find out if it really exist?

B Find a photo of it

C Describe it and how it will be used?

D If you owned one, how would you use it?

4 You can now download data directly from your camera, but your computer may not be able to read it, unless you download a special app.

A Describe this kind of data.

B What are 3 advantages of shooting in this format.

C What is one disadvantage?

D Do come all digital cameras have the ability to shoot in this format?

5 Scientists have invented a real-life version of Harry Potter's Marauder's Map using digital photographic technology.

A Find out if it really exist?

B Find a photo of it

C Describe it and how it will be used?

D Can I take it on my vacation this coming summer?

6 Scientists have invented a camera that uses a laser to photograph objects. Unfortunately when you use it, any object being photographed is damaged.

A Find out if it really exist?

B Find a photo of it

C Describe it and how it will be used?

D Can I take it on my vacation this coming summer?

7 Scientists have invented a camera that has over 10,000 megapixels.

A Find out if it really exist?

B Find a photo of it

C Describe it and how it will be used?

D Can I take it on my vacation this coming summer?

8 Develop your own technical research question. Develop and answer four questions similar to the ones above. Show your questions and topic to the teacher before you proceed with the answers.

If you have any questions, just ask.