Research Summative for 11 CT

Software Research Summative

The industry standard for photo editing is Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom. However these programs are expensive. Adobe Photoshop CS6, the last stand-alone version cost about $700 a few years ago.

Today, Adobe no longer sells a full, stand alone version of Photoshop. You have to buy a monthly or yearly subscription. The costs range from $10 USD per month for students and much more for commercial usage.

Some people like the monthly fee, because your program is always up to date. Others absolutely hate it for various reasons. Many Photoshop users accuse Adobe of being greedy. Check out the following link about Adobe.

There are now a several alternatives to Adobe Photoshop, including Photoshop Elements. They range from GIMP which is free to Coral Paint Pro which costs $80 CAD.

There are also editing program like Luminar, Capture One, or Perfectly Clear, which cost money, but are far less than Photoshop. Many of these are also Photoshop compatible.

Your job is to pick three – 3 applications and compare them to see they are better or better meet your personal photo editing needs. They can be free, (see first page of my website, which lists some additional photo editing software). You can use any of these as well.

Answer the following questions:

1. Name and description of software (what it does)

2. Cost of the program

3. Is there a free version or a demo version that you can download for a month

4. Does the free version add a watermark across the photo

5. 3 strengths of product

6. 3 weakness of product

7. Beside jpg, name 3 other photo formats it accepts?

8. Name 2 Canadian stores where you can buy it or do you download it online? Give the names of 2 web sites that offer downloads.

9. Name 3 different Canadian web sites where you can order the software and the cost.

10. Compile a list of 3 web sites that feature tutorials.

11. Does Algonquin College or School of the Photographic Arts Ottawa or any other institution run courses or workshops for the programs you selected. Give an example and the cost of the course.

12. Are there any online web sites that offer tutorials/courses on learning for the programs you selected. Give an example and the cost of the course.

13. Are there any web sites that offer free tutorials or courses on learning for the programs you selected. Give an example and the cost of the course.

14. Finally you rank your 3 pieces of photo editing software and make a recommendation as to whether you would buy it. Give three reasons why or why not.

15. Write you answers in point form . Please include the question above your answers.