Podcast for 11 CT


A podcast is simply an audio recording of a radio program, or something something a person recorded to explain, persuade or entertain someone about some topic.

It contains your voice, the voice of a guest, some back ground music – not too loud so that it interferes with your voice, plus any sound affects you use to add punch to your podcast.

Topics for podcasts include health, the weather, jokes, entertainment, learning something new, education, photography, the life of your favourite celebrities to audio versions of your favourite TV show. In short, almost any topic can have a podcast related to it.

Examples of podcasts:

You can download podcasts from the app store, Google Play, Spotify, CBC radio and lots of websites offer you a place download audio information

Preparing your podcast means:

1. deciding on you topic,

2. researching and writing and rewriting,

3. recording it,

4. editing to polish your final production.

Ears, not the eye

Writing a podcast is different from writing an essay. You don’t read a podcast, you listen to it. When writing a podcast you are writing for your ear. So write the way you talk. Use:

• Short words

• Short sentences

• Use contractions like I’ll instead of I will, or they’ll instead of they will

These video links below will help explain writing for the ear:

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZwzkqZIjOPI&ab_channel=AshimaChopra

2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lLBFBBwrxuU&ab_channel=BizNetAU

3. https://live365.com/blog/how-to-write-a-podcast-script/

Fog index

The fog index tells the reader what level of education they need to understand what they are reading. A podcast should be written at about a grade 4 to 6 level. Not because people are illiterate, but because they are listening to it.

Harking back to the days of radio, they had to get the meaning right away. There was no chance to rewind the sound and play it again, if you missed a portion of the story.

When writing for the eye, you can read the story as often as you want. With most audio devices in use today, you can also rewind story to play it again.

For your podcast script, calculate the fog index using the link below.


  • BTW, the fog index for the two paragraphs on using the fog index has a reading level of grade 6.


1. Visit to fog index website by clicking on the link above.

2. Copy your script.

3. Select “test by direct input” paste your script into text box and click on calculate. Your fox index will appear below.

4. Include your readability score for your script when you hand in your script.

What is demographics?

It is compiling a profile of your audience using age, gender, and income. Companies spend lots of money profiling their audience. If you have an air miles card, Loblaws Optimum card, or use any loyalty card, every time you swipe your card you are giving the merchant, advertisers and marketers an economic profile of your buying habits, including how much you spent, the date and time, what you bought, the store name and location, plus your age, income and gender. Does this cause you any concern about your privacy?

Click on the link for more information on demographic.


For your assignment, include

✓ age range, like teens ranging from15 to 19.

✓ gender,

✓ income as some students have part time jobs.



This is an individual assignment; each person will record and produce a podcast episode. You can work in groups of 2 or 3 or even 4. But remember that each person hands in their own version.

You must include:

• You must record your voice and someone else’s. The other person can be a “co-host” or simply a guest. It could be a family member, classmate or friend. If there is no one in your household wants to take part, change you voice to play another person.

• a sound effect,

• music bed, often called background music.

The podcast episode must be minimum 30 seconds to a maximum 45 second.

To record your podcast, use your phone. It has a really good microphone and sound processor. If by any reason you can’t record your voice come see me.

For this assignment, you must hand in:

1. a separate script including an intro and an outro

2. readability score

3. demographics report

4. an MP3 file of your podcast

5. name 2 challenges you faced and how you overcame them

Name your file like this:

The name of the word or pdf file for your written component must include your First and Last name, followed by Podcast Project.

Your full name – Podcast Project

Example: Paul Chislett -- Podcast Project .pdf