12 CT Podcast


Now that you have experience using the audio editing software AUDACITY your assignment is to create a podcast episode by recording and editing your voice, someone else’s voice, and adding sound effects. The podcast episode should communicate a clear and concise message.

For this assignment, you will pretend that you are the creator of a podcast series that has already been running for some time, so it already has several episodes out, you already have a defined audience and theme for your podcast. You will create one episode only. In this episode, you must communicate something. This means you must do research.

The topic of the podcast episode is for you to choose! Be creative and talk about one of your interests of passions!


- This is an individual assignment; each person will record and produce a podcast episode.

- The podcast episode must be minimum 2.5 minutes, maximum 4 minutes, no more, no less.

- You must record your voice and someone else’s. The other person you will record will be an “expert guest” for your podcast. You will script an interview with this “expert guest”. But since this is an individual project, they will only participate on it by reading the content you prepare for them and letting you record them, nothing else. The “interview” to the expert is therefore scripted. If by any reason you can’t record your voice come see me.

- By the end of the assignment, you must hand in an MP3 file of your announcement, and the audacity project files.

- You must hand in the written component of the assignment.

- Your podcast must have an Intro and an Outro.

- You must include a sound effect, think about an intro jingle, music for the outro, background music, or others.

The Written Component

In a word, Google Docs or pdf file, you must deliver the following:

- A short description of what the topic of your podcast series is, and what your episode

will communicate, in point form.

- The key point of what you want your audience to remember from your episode, is it

facts? Dates? Names of important people? Trivia?

- Your research findings. When you did your research, where did you find the information

that ended up in the podcast? What specific information did you take from those


- A script of your episode.

- A description of your demographics, who are you creating the content for? High school

students? Fashion enthusiasts? Sports fans? Gamers?

What is demographics?

It is compiling a profile of your audience using age, gender, and income. Companies spend lots

of money profiling their audience. If you have an air miles card, Loblaws Optimum card, or use

a card, every time you swipe your card you are giving the merchant, advertisers and marketers

an economic profile of your buying habits, including how much you spent, the date and time,

what you bought, the store name and location, plus your age, and gender. Does this cause you

any concern about your privacy?

The name of the word or pdf file for your written component must include your First and Last

name, followed by Morning Announcement.

Example: NicolasBustos_PodcastEpisode.pdf

I’m looking forward to listening to your creations and seeing what you

come up with, I know all of you can do great on this!