

Vox Pop

Streeters or Vox Pop

Note that this is both a group and individual assignment. In groups, you prepare the interview and any questions. You then shoot your video as a group. But you edit your video as an individual. The key is to ask extra questions, so all the answers are not the same.

Your second video is conducting an interview. Sometimes it is called a vox pop interview, a Latin phrase that means voice of the people. Usually it is known as a man-in-the-street or simply a Streeter which means interviews with members of the public.

For this type of interview, you ask a similar questions to several people and edit them together into a series of answers. You do not see the interviewer between the answers. Each person just appears one after another stating their opinion.

C level

To see how others do Streeters, look at these two links:

Link one.

Link 2

B level

Your first step is to pick a topic among your group. Once you have your topic, each group member writes their own introduction. Remember that no one likes a long-winded introduction. It should be no more than 20 seconds.

Then decide on your questions. You need to ask 3 questions, and possibly a fourth to clarify a last point.

The first question is a closed ended. The answer is usually a short yes or no. For example, you first closed ended question could be:

• Do you think the school week should be 4 days?

The forces your subject answer with either a yes or a no. A close ended question is also less intimidating and allows your subject to warm up to the questions that will follow.

Your second question should be open ended. An open ended question allows your subject to give a longer explanation based answer, rather than a simple yes or no or a one word answer. It gives your subject a chance to explain why they said yes or no.

Here are a couple of questions you could ask:

• How would students suffer from not spending enough time in school?

• How do you think students would spend their extra time?

Your third question is a leading or pointed inquiry. It has an edge to it. Your last question should follow this example.

• How would you prevent students from causing damage, like breaking into people's homes instead of being at school?

This allows your subject to react with some emotion like anger, passion, concern, resentment and show how they really feel on the topic.

Why is this 3rd question so important? Politicians do this all the time. Can you think of any examples where political leaders ask questions or make like question 3? Sometimes this is called a wedge question. It causes a divide between members of your audience.

The reason I have included a question is to hopefully make you aware of how easy it is to trip people up by playing with words. The lesson I want you to remember is to listen carefully to what you are being asked and be careful as to what and how you answer any questions.

After your interviews are finished, each member of your group must write their own conclusion, based on the answers given by the interviewees.

Edit your intro, your 3 questions and conclusion in Adobe Premiere Pro.

For each person who speaks, have their name appear on the screen while they are giving their answer. This process is called keying.

When ready, when show it to the teacher for evaluation.

Finally, ask yourself what you can do to make your better? Come up with 2 new ideas including adding something extra to give your video more impact? After you have finished editing and viewing your video, discuss these changes with the teacher, then following his advice and make your changes to improve your final video.


These are the requirements:

1. Fade from black to a title

2. Fade to person introducing and reading the introduction

3. Question can be written or narrated -- more marks for both written and narration

4. Cut to the person making a conclusion

5. Transitions should be cuts not fades between clips

6. No gimmicky transitions like flying windows or wipes

7. Fade out to black at end

Here are few more links to help you out:

Media College

From the BBC

From Youtube:

Your time should be 2 minutes. No more.

If you have any questions , just ask.
