11 CT Video Summative

Video Production Summative

Your video summative is both a group and individual project. You shoot as a group, and edit as an individual. Groups can have up to 4 members. If tis presents a problem, come see me.

Here are the topics you can choose from:

• a short fictional video – your doors video is a great place to start

• a video promoting the tech department or a specific course.

• an instructional video

• a topic of your choice – Ensure you clear the topic with the teacher before you start production

All videos must be 2 minutes exactly. If it is over 2 minutes, I will deduct one level from your mark.

Some ground rules

1 All video shooting must be completed at school – NOTHING FROM HOME OR OUTSIDE SCHOOL – will be accepted.

Allow 3 to 4 days for preproduction, 3 to 4 days for shooting 5 to 6 days for editing, a couple of days to sleep on it and a day to review, before handing it in.

2 Make sure you get teachers’ and students’ written permission before taping them. Always ask before recording. Have everyone you record on video sign a model release form. If no release form, no mark.

Note that for strictly legal purposes, a person must be over the legal age to sign their own release form, but for this assignment, make sure everyone has signed a release form. We haven’t covered this in class, so you have to research this on your own.

Review 3 or 4 model release from online, pick the parts that seem best for a school video summative and create your own version.

3 If you use your own equipment, remember that you are responsible for any equipment you bring to school.

4 We will be using Adobe Premiere for video editing. If you want to use your software and your own computer, come see me.


1 Start with your group members’ names

2 Project title

3 Write a description of your production. Describe what you want to produce, 4 to 5 lines is enough.

4 Write:

a) your script

b) story board

c) shot list

d) any resources you need, whether from home, or school or you may have to buy

e) production schedule, include cushion time

f) add a cover sheet – make it look pretty and professional

If you shoot a fictional video, ensure your plot has, a beginning, a middle and a conclusion. It must have conflict, drama and suspense. A twist or unexpected ending helps improve your mark,

Include any:

a) special, visual, sound effects or music – name the music and the author

b) location where in the school you need to shoot – some places you need special permission

c) special equipment

d) anything else you need to tell me.

Hand in for marking before you start shooting.

Show to teacher for marking. When you receive your preproduction back in about a month (joking), you can start shooting.


Using your shot list, and story board, and script if you need one shoot and edit your video.

If you find you need to stray from your shot list and story board, that is fine. Just make sure you describe your reasons for doing so. It could be as simple as a weather change and you couldn’t go outside, so you needed to shoot indoors.

Post Production

In class only using Adobe Premiere or if on the Mac, you can use I-movie or Final Cut Pro, if it is still on the Mac.

If you have any questions, come see me.
