
11 CT Composition B Level

Review the grade 10 composition techniques

Then look at the 20 composition techniques from Petapixel link below. You will probably notice that some of them are similar to the grade 10 composition examples.

Here is one additional technique called Composition Stacking. You simply combine several composition techniques in the same photo. For example, say you start with the rule of thirds, then you add leading lines, then framing and foreground interest and depth, etc. Perhaps you probably do this already. Check out this link from the SLR Lounge for more details.

Here is your assignment:

1. Create a 12 row by 5 column grid like the one below. Label each column as follows:

  • Write the name of composition technique

  • Insert an internet photo showing the technique

  • Paste your first photo showing the technique

  • Paste your second photo showing the technique

  • Paste your third photo showing the technique

  • Complete the above for 11 more rows

2. Make sure you include the following 5 composition techniques.

  1. Rule of thirds

  2. Foreground interest and depth

  3. Frame within a frame often simply called framing

  4. Leading lines

  5. Rule of odds

3. Pick your favourite 7 composition techniques from the remaining techniques and find a example on line, paste it into column 2

4. Take 5 photos for each of the composition techniques you selected. Pick your best 3 photos and paste them into columns 3, 4 and 5.

5. Ensure your name is on your project and submit it to Google Classroom.