Video Scripts

Video Scripts

You have heard the cliché that a photo is worth a 1000 words. Well according to CBC Radio, "sometimes a photo needs a thousand words" to help explain its meaning.

But before you put fingers to the keyboard, watch this short YouTube video about script writing.

Here are a few other things to keep in mind

  1. It is easier to write words to describe your images, rather than trying to find photos/video to match your words.

  2. Write in action words and active voice. Use action words that match the images in your video.

  3. Write for the ear. There is a difference between writing for the eye. When you write for the eye, you can go back and re-read the copy. When writing for the ear, you cannot, unless you have some means to rewind the video. Here is a second link with tips for writing for the ear.

  4. Aim to keep your reading level at about a grade 5 or 6 level. Why, because people are both listening and watching. Often, they may be doing other things such as driving or washing dishes, so your words need to capture their attention to what you ar saying. Paste your script into the following link to check it's readability.

  5. Use a large font, like 16 or 18 point.

  6. Set yours line spacing to either double or 1.5. This allows you to make quick edits and still be able to read you script.

  7. It is OK to read your script and regularly raise your head to look at the camera.

  8. Include different rows, to the visuals and words together.

To check the readbility of your podcast or video script, use fog index link below. Include the readability score when you hand in your script.

Readability Calculating Tool. There are a couple of options offering a choice of what to check, such as checking a URL or direct input. Click on direct input and paste your script into box. Your readability score will then be displayed.

FYI, the readability score for this web page is about a grade 6 level.