Work Faster

1 Advanced Search

Only interested in orders that are of a particular status? Use advanced search to retrieve the orders you care about.

  1. On the tracking page, click on Use Advanced Search

  2. In the General Statuses section, select the order statuses that you want to filter by

    • This feature is only available on Desktop

  3. Select a order creation date range for these orders

  4. Click on SEARCH

NOTE: We'll return orders for the past 30 days by default unless a date range is specified.

2 Pre book pickups

Need a pickup everyday? Consider booking your pickups in advance to guarantee a pickup. Order creation is simplified as we'll default your pickup to your next scheduled pickup for your selected address.

  1. Navigate to PICKUPS on the left navigation

  2. Click on the date that you would like to schedule a pickup for

  3. Provide us the following pickup information

    • Date

    • Time

    • Pickup instructions

  4. You've successfully scheduled a pickup!