Release Notes 23 (2019-09-04)

New Builds


  • Postpaid shippers now able to view messages on the Dashboard to be informed of changes to their contracts in advance, and acknowledge such changes

    • On the initial notice date a modal displaying the initial notice will appear when a shipper logs in

    • On the date when the changes come into effect or later (depending on when shippers use the Dashboard), a modal containing the final notice will appear and shippers will need to accept the T&Cs in order to proceed and continue to access the Dashboard

      • Note: Not accepting the T&Cs on the dashboard will not prevent shippers from creating orders via API/Operator. It will simply block them from doing so on the dashboard.

Initial message displayed to shippers

Final message to shippers with the checkbox for them to accept the new T&Cs


  • Removed ability for prepaid wallet top on for Moroccan shippers on Ninja Dashboard i.e. Lite Moroccan shippers will top up their wallets by contacting their local salesperson

  • Moroccan shippers now able to view updated T&Cs document when first signing into Dash


  • Order status processor functionality now migrated from the NEZ backend onto Dash to top up shippers' accounts upon successful delivery of COD orders

Bug Fixes


      • Resolving missing backend calls during Paypal payment which prevents shipper's wallets from being topped up

        • Solution involves implementing a callback flow for Paypal payment