Release Notes 14 (2019-05-08)

New Builds

  • Standalone Contact Us form for ID (Deployed on 4/23)

    • ID shippers will be directed to our standalone contact us form from our website where they can

      • View our contact information (Line, WhatsApp, phone number)

      • Fill in their details so that our telesales team can reach out to qualify them

  • Note: Leads captured will be created as Zendesk tickets under the ID Sales Zendesk inbox

  • Welcome email

    • New shippers that are created and for whom a Ninja Dashboard account is created will receive a welcome email with information on how to start

    • The email will also include a link to verify their email address


    • Order history information on the order details page is now in line with what we display on the external tracking page

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed delivery time slot mapping issue which resulted in an invalid delivery time slot error message