Release Notes 18 (2019-06-14)

New Builds


    • Ninja Packs

      • Terms and Conditions for PH now updated on Packs purchase page

      • NJV company information now added to the footer of the VN Packs e-commerce site

      • Legal documents now available in both English and Vietnamese on the VN Packs e-commerce site

      • Purchase receipt emails now sent to PH Ninja Packs buyers

    • VN customer emails

      • NJV company address now updated on emails to VN customers

      • Emails now sent from correct localized NJV support email accounts

    • Sales enquiries now tagged according to entry-points

      • Tag for enquiries from the dash signup form: "dashsignupform"

      • Tag for enquiries from the standalone ID contact us form: "standaloneidcontactform"

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed unclear tracking ID on Order Tracking page

  • Fixed bulk order upload bug by disabling confirm order option upon uploading of:

    • Empty files

    • Files containing only headers