Release Notes 24 (2019-09-20)



  • Dash Lite for MY

    • Dash Lite shippers are now enabled only for Standard deliveries

    • Shipper's wallet is updated based on the price of the order at the point of order completion (Also done for Morocco)

      • If the price of order after completion = billed amount

        • Nothing is credited or debited from shipper’s waller

      • If the price of order after completion < billed amount

        • Price difference is credited to shipper’s wallet

      • If the price of order after completion > billed amount

        • Price difference is debited from shipper’s wallet and the wallet can be negative

      • Price calculation: (deliveryFee + insuranceFee) * (1 + GSTRate)

      • Note: GST Rate is set at 6% for MY

    • Weight is now a mandatory field during order creation

    • Shipper's shipper ID and name is passed into the iPay88 transaction to allow for Finance to reconcile payments made to shippers

Weight is now a mandatory field to be mapped during bulk order creation

Weight is now a mandatory field to be mapped during manual order creation

iPay88 transaction indicating shipper ID and shipper name in the transaction made

Bug Fixes


  • Fix to ensure proper rendering of email templates in Outlook

  • Top up bug has been fixed on the IOS Dash App

  • Users will be directed to use a web browser to access the dashboard to top up their wallet if they're using our Android app

    • Note: This was a workaround due to an issue with topping the prepaid wallet on the Android Dash app