Create Orders

Whether you're a social seller or an established enterprise, Ninja Dashboard allows you the flexibility to select the order creation method that best suits your needs. Choose between creating your orders manually or by uploading them in bulk. We also offer you the flexibility to edit your orders however you like them.

What you need:

  • A Ninja Dashboard account

  • 20 mins

Open Ninja Dashboard:

In this section, you'll learn how to:

Create Regular Orders

1. Schedule a pickup

Before creating an order, you'll want to first schedule a pickup so that we're able to send a driver down to pickup your parcels.

    • Click on PICKUPS on the left navigation bar

    • Select the pickup address you would like to create a pickup for

    • Select a pickup date and time

    • Enter in pickup instructions

    • Click on Save

2. Select Order Type

Select the type of order that you would like to create:

    • Normal Order

    • Return Order (Only if you've been set up for return orders)

    • Ninja Pack Order

TIP: Previously created an order? We'll pre-populate this with your previous pickup information

Country Specific Variation Available:

Available for: SG Lite, SG Pro, MY Pro, PH Pro, VN Pro, TH Pro

Available for: MY Lite, ID Lite, PH Lite, VN Lite

3. Input Pickup Information

Provide us more information about this pickup:

    • Scheduled Pickup Type:

      1. Do you need a scheduled pickup or not need a pickup

TIP: Already have a scheduled pickup? We'll use your next scheduled pickup time as the pickup time

    • Drop off at PUDO Outlet Type:

      1. Want to drop off your parcels at a Pickup Drop Off (PUDO) outlet near you? Search and view PUDO outlets available at a particular area.

      2. Click on + CREATE ORDER on the left navigation bar

      3. Edit Pickup Type

      4. Click on the information icon to search and view available PUDO outlets

      5. Search for a PUDO outlet by location or postcode or click on a PUDO icon on the map to view the details of that PUDO outlet such as

        1. Address

        2. Opening Hours

Provide us more information about the address:

    • Address:

      1. Where should we pickup your parcels from? Who's our point of contact? How can we reach them?

TIP: For addresses configured as milk run, the next two scheduled appointments will be displayed.

TIP: For addresses configured as milk run, appointments scheduled will be view only. Scheduling of new pickups for those addresses will not be allowed. Any changes to the milk run schedule will need to go through KAM.

Provide us more information about the time:

    • Time:

      1. When should we pickup your parcels and do you have any special pickup instructions for us?

Provide us more information about the volume:

    • Volume:

      1. What kind of vehicle should we send down to collect your parcels?

      2. Click on SAVE & CONTINUE

Scheduled Pickup Type

PUDO Outlet Type

4.1. Input Orders Information (Manual)

After you've created your pickup, let's move on to creating your orders.

    • Manually create your orders:

      1. When prompted to choose an input method, select Type orders via keyboard

      2. Enter in your order information. To create an order, you'll need to provide at least the following information:

        • Order Reference ID (Only for Prefixless shippers, reach out to your Sales rep if you're unsure whether you're a Prefixless shipper)

        • Customer Information (Name, Contact, Address)

        • Delivery Type & Time

        • Parcel Size

      3. To create another order, click + ADD ANOTHER. If not, click SAVE & CONTINUE to review your order information.

      4. View a summary of order information that you've entered in the section on the right.

TIP: Want an estimate of the delivery fees? Toggle Get Price Estimate

4.2 Input Orders Information (Upload)

After you've created your pickup, let's move on to creating your orders.

  • Upload a file

    1. When prompted to choose an input method, select Upload a File

    2. Upload a file by choosing a file or dragging and dropping

      • Need some help getting started with a file upload? Download a file template that you can use.

TIP: Please ensure that your CSV file is in UTF-8 encoding. A simple way to convert an Excel file to CSV is by opening it up in Google Sheets and then exporting it as a CSV file.

    1. Select a File Mapping Template

      • Choose between Domestic or International file mapping templates

      • View a summary of COD to be collected for the orders uploaded to help catch instances where the incorrect set of orders are uploaded or if the COD amount wasn't provided

    2. Select a Delivery Type

      • This will be the delivery type for any orders uploaded that do not have a delivery type

TIP: Need some help with your file mapping template? Click here to find out more.

5. Pricing Information

Estimated Price and Current Balance will be displayed.

6. Review Information

Check that all details inputted previously are correct and click “Confirm”.

7. Print Airway Bills

Now that you've created your orders, it's time to print your airway bills

  1. On the Order Confirmation page, click on Print Airway Bills

  2. Select a page layout:

    • Choose between having 1, 2 or 4 airways bills on a page

  3. Click Next

  4. Select a file containing your airways bills to print them

TIP: Just in case you have a large number of orders, each file will contain a maximum of 50 pages. We know painful it is when your printer messes up and you lose track of which airway bills have been printed.

Create Return Orders

1.1 Select Order Type

Select the type of order that you would like to create:

    • Normal Order

    • Return Order (Only if you've been set up for return orders)

    • Ninja Pack Order

TIP: Previously created an order? We'll pre-populate this with your previous pickup information

Country Specific Variation Available:

Available for: SG Lite, SG Pro, MY Pro, PH Pro, VN Pro, TH Pro

Available for: MY Lite, ID Lite, PH Lite, VN Lite

1.2 Create Return Orders From Completed Orders

Return orders can be created from completed orders with the order information pre-filled with information from the original order.

  1. On a completed order, click on Create Return Order

2. Input Pickup Information

Provide us more information about this pickups:

    1. TYPE: Select scheduled pickup

    2. ADDRESS: In the Customer tab and provide us their pickup address and contact details so that we can pickup the return parcel from your customer

    3. TIME:

      • When should we pickup the return parcel from your customer and do you have any special pickup instructions for us?

    4. VOLUME:

      • What kind of vehicle should we send down to collect the return parcel?

    5. Click on SAVE & CONTINUE

Country Specific Variation Available:

The 6-10pm pickup time slot selection is not available in Vietnam at this time.

3. Input Return Information

Provide us information on where we should return the parcel to

    1. ADDRESS: Select an address of yours

    2. DELIVERY: Specify the delivery type and time slot

Select a delivery address from your existing list of addresses or create a new one

Choose the delivery type and delivery time slot (if applicable)

4. Input Order Information

Provide us the remaining order details

    1. Additional address information

    2. Parcel details such as size, weight (kg), COD amount, insured value

    3. Requested tracking number (Optional)

TIP: Recipient information and address will be taken from the you address selected in the Return to Shipper section

    1. Click Add Another to add another return order or click SAVE AND CONTINUE

    2. Review the return order information and then click CONFIRM

    3. We'll go ahead and create the return order and you'll be brought to the order confirmation page where you can click on Print Airway Bills to save a copy of the airway bill (AWB) to send to your customer

TIP: Your customer will need have this AWB on their return parcel

5. Pricing Information

Estimated Price and Current Balance will be displayed.

6. Review Information

Check that all details inputted previously are correct and click “Confirm”.

Get confirmation when your return order has been successfully created

Create Ninja Pack Orders

Ninja Pack is Ninja Van's pre-paid delivery service at a flat price together with an all-you-can-fit polymailer. It's also simple and easy to use.

1. Select Order Type

Select the type of order that you would like to create:

    • Normal Order

    • Return Order (Only if you've been set up for return orders)

    • Ninja Pack Order

TIP: Previously created an order? We'll pre-populate this with your previous pickup information

Country Specific Variation Available:

Available for: SG Lite, SG Pro, MY Pro, PH Pro, VN Pro, TH Pro

Available for: MY Lite, ID Lite, PH Lite, VN Lite

2. Input Pickup Information

Depending on your location, we offer a drop off and/or pickup option:

    • If the drop off option is available,

      1. TYPE: Select the option to Drop off at a PUDO outlet

      2. ADDRESS: Provide a return address

    • If the pickup option is available,

      1. TYPE: Select the option to arrange for a pickup

      2. ADDRESS: Where should we pickup your parcels from? Who's our point of contact? How can we reach them?

      3. TIME:

        • When should we pickup your parcels and do you have any special pickup instructions for us?

      4. VOLUME:

        • What kind of vehicle should we send down to collect your parcels?

      5. Click on SAVE & CONTINUE

TIP: Click here to find out more information about the specific Ninja Pack offering for your country

Country Specific Variation Available:

Pickup and drop off options for Dash Lite shippers in Thailand

Drop off option for Dash Lite and Pro shippers in Singapore and Malaysia

Pickup option for Dash Lite and Pro shippers in Vietnam

The 6-10pm pickup time slot selection is not available in Vietnam at this time.

    • NOTE: Drop off and/or pickup options available in our markets

      • SG: Drop off at a Ninja Point

      • ID: Doorstep pickup or drop off at a Ninja Point

      • MY: Drop off at a Ninja Point

      • VN: Doorstep pickup

      • TH: Doorstep pickup or drop off at a Ninja Point

3.1. Input Orders Information (Manual)

  1. When prompted to choose an input method, select Type orders via keyboard

  2. Enter in your order information. To create an order, you'll need to provide at least the following information:

    • Ninja Pack ID

NOTE: This can be found on your Ninja Pack. You'll only need to enter the numbers following the prefix.

    • Customer Information (Name, Contact, Address)

  1. To create another order, click + ADD ANOTHER. If not, click SAVE & CONTINUE to review your order information.

  2. View a summary of order information that you've entered in the section on the right.

To create your Ninja Pack order, simply provide your Ninja Pack ID and customer information

3.2. Input Orders Information (Upload)

  1. When prompted to choose an input method, select Upload a File

  2. Upload a file by choosing a file or dragging and dropping

    • Need some help getting started with a file upload? Download a file template that you can use.

  3. Select a File Mapping Template

    • View a summary of COD to be collected for the orders uploaded to help catch instances where the incorrect set of orders are uploaded or if the COD amount wasn't provided

NOTE: Unsure if you've provided your data in the correct format? You can utilize our preview functionality to double check that you've done so.

TIP: Need some help with your file mapping template? Click here to find out more.

Utilize our CSV or Excel template or create your own Ninja Pack file mapping

4. Review Information

Check that all details inputted previously are correct and click “Confirm”.