Release Notes 21 (2019-07-25)

New Builds


  • Link to Grab's web booking portal now provided on the Dashboard for shippers to utilize Grab's instant services

Link out to Grab's web booking portal on the Dashboard

  • User research into the shipper on-boarding process showed that shippers would find step-by-step on-boarding tutorials useful in helping them get familiarised with the Dash environment. Hence, a short walkthrough was designed for new shippers which covers these main Dash functions:

    • Lite: Order Creation, Scheduling Pickups, Notification Settings

    • Pro: Order Creation, Order Tracking, Notification Settings

    • Morocco White-Labelling

      • Login/Signup page

        • Graphic changes

        • Copy changes

        • Favicon change

        • Left nav colour change

        • Changes to fields displayed for Lite and Pro forms

        • Removal of Ninja Van specific header and footer messages

        • Removal of Zendesk Contact Us widget; shipper details obtained via Pro signup form now emailed to

        • Temporary disablement of Dash Lite (login/signup pages now show only Pro form, modal on signup page shows only Pro, minor left nav copy changes)

Ninja Van Pro Login page

White-Labelled Pro Login page

  • Dashboard

    • Graphic changes on Left nav bar, Home page, Order Confirmation page, Loading pages, Error message pages

    • Favicon change

    • Change in format of address fields (part of OC)

    • Change in denominations for the topping up of prepaid wallet credits

      • Supporting these denominations: DH200, DH500, DH750, DH900

    • Removal of hard coded mentions of "Ninja Van"

Ninja Van Dash Home Page

White-Labelled Dash Home Page

  • Restyled Dash emails with the following changes:

        • Copy changes

        • Graphic changes

        • Header and footer colour change

        • Change in footer information

Ninja Van welcome email

White-Labelled welcome email

  • Default pricing script 1648 (previously 1646) now assigned to both new and existing MY Dash Lite accounts

  • Default pricing script 2723 now assigned to both new and existing PH Dash Lite accounts


  • Updated polymailer graphic now shown on the Ninja Pack E-commerce Site

Updated polymailer graphic shown on Ninja Pack E-commerce Site