Shopify App Upgrade

We've updated our Shopify integration! 

Find out what has changed and how you can access these new features!

What you’ll need

New Features

Fulfill your orders after order creation


Orders synced when they were marked as fulfilled.


Select your orders and sync your orders using the "Create Ninja Van Orders" button. 

Choose when you would like to fulfill your orders and inform your customers of the tracking ID.

Book pick-ups on the app


Pick-ups had to be booked on the Ninja Dashboard separately.


Pick-ups can be booked directly on the app during order syncing and multiple pick-up locations are supported per batch.

Clearer error messages


Orders with errors were not displayed.


Errors more clearly explained and follow-up steps will also be shown.

Edit COD value


COD value non-editable.


COD value is editable to include any additional fees or discounts.

Custom liability coverage


Only able to have all orders be covered at order value or none.


Threshold order value is now supported where only orders above a set order value are covered with additional liability coverage.

Ninja Van order tagging


Not able to identify which orders were synced or passed to Ninja Van.


Orders that were successfully synced with Ninja Van will now have a "Ninja Van" tag to show you clearly which orders are being processed by us.

Automated delivery mapping


Multiple steps to create delivery type mapping/presets.


Automatically detect and map delivery types with the ability to quickly modify presets. 

New delivery methods you add to Shopify can also be automatically updated.

Features On The Way

March - Custom addresses


Order creation was previously limited to Shopify addresses where the stocks were held.


Add custom addresses and book pick-ups from these locations. 

Default addresses to override the Shopify addresses can also be set.

April - International cash on delivery


Only domestic cash on delivery was supported


Singapore and Malaysian sellers delivering to Malaysia or Singapore respectively will be able to create Ninja Van orders with the cash on delivery collection option.

How to use the upgraded app? (Important)

Syncing of Orders

What we used to do:

Previously, we would create the orders by fulfilling the orders. 

However, this would not sync the orders to Ninja Van now, giving you the flexibility to fulfill and inform your customers (via email) whenever you want.

What we will have to do now is simply:

How to upgrade?

Upgrading your app

Do read the previous section "How to use the upgraded app?" if you haven't! 

You can also follow the screenshots here for a step-by-step guide on how to do so:


Error connecting or linking accounts

What if I still can't sync my orders?

If your orders are still not being synced, check the following:

If any problem persists, reach out to your Account Manager or who will log the issue with us, and we'll get back to you as soon as we can!