Release Notes 6 (2018-11-29)

New Builds

  • Creation of standalone return orders (Create Orders > 7 Create return orders)

    • Standalone return orders can be created

    • Only manual return order creation is supported

    • Recipient information and address will be taken from the shipper's address selected in the Return to Shipper section

Select the Customer switch and provide us the customer address that you would like us to pickup the parcel from

Select a delivery address from your existing list of addresses or create a new one

Choose the delivery type and delivery time slot (if applicable)

Enter in the details of your return order. Recipient information and address will be taken from the you address selected in the Return to Shipper section

Review the return order information provided and click CONFIRM

Get confirmation when your return order has been successfully created

View your three most recent prepaid wallet transactions under RECENT HISTORY and click on View Details to see a detailed view of all our prepaid wallet transactions

Additional pricing section in the order creation flow for prepaid shippers to view the total estimated delivery costs and top up credits if needed

  • New Shipper Billing page (Under Shipper Support) on operator to allow for manual addition or deduction of credits from a shipper's wallet

    • To update a shipper's wallet:

      • Shipper: Search or select a shipper

      • Add/Deduct: Indicate whether you want to add or deduct credits from the shipper's prepaid wallet

      • Amount: The amount to be added or deducted from the shipper's prepaid wallet

      • Reason: Select a reason for adding or deducting credits from the shipper's prepaid wallet from the following

          • Pickup Surcharge

            • Additional text field after to enter details of the dates for the pickup surcharge

          • Delivery Fee

            • Meant for situations where there are differences in delivery fees

            • Additional field after to search and select the parcel by tracking ID

          • Refund for Service Recovery

            • Additional field after to search and select the parcel by tracking ID

          • Bank Transfer

            • Additional field after to provide bank transfer details

      • Review the transactions details before adding or deducting credits from the shipper's prepaid wallet

Search or select a shipper

Indicate whether you want to add or deduct credits

Select a reason for adding or deducting credits

Provide order for which you would like to alter the delivery fee for


  • Selection of AWB format from the order details page

    • Ability to print an AWB that's the size of half or a quarter of a piece of A4 or a thermal printer label (7cm by 5cm)

  • Delivery instructions can be edited when editing an order

  • Orders can be searched by using a phone number without it's country code

  • Width of pickup address field on the Pickups page has been increased and Address 2 field placed in front of the Address 1 field to allow for easier differentiation between similar addresses

Bug Fixes

  • The correct delivery failure reason is now displayed in the Order History section in the Order Details page

  • The default delivery type in manual OC is the delivery type with the longest SLA that the shipper has been configured for

  • Removed option in Order History page to delete orders if all the orders in a batch had errors