Release Notes 12 (2019-03-18)

New Builds

  • Revamped normal and return order creation flow for greater clarity on the type of order being created

      • Dependent on the order type selected, a different order creation flow is presented

      • Note: This is an enhancement to the build to provide a prompt to select the order type prior to creating orders

Select the option to create a regular order

Create Normal Orders

Select the pickup or drop off option

Provide a pickup address if you selected a scheduled pickup or a return address if you selected the option to drop off at a Ninja Point

Create Return Orders

Provide customer pickup details

Select a delivery option

Enter in information about your parcel

Review and submit order details


    • International orders with Export as the portation type will be priced as $0 as they will be billed manually by Ninja Van's Finance team

    • Removed the authentication step when triggering RTS for orders

Bug Fixes

    • New retry mechanism to ensure increased accuracy of price estimate displayed on the order summary page

      • Note: If we're unable to obtain pricing, we'll display N/A