Release Notes 19 (2019-07-01)

New Builds


Shipper to provide their name, email and phone number before being redirected to iPay88 to top up their prepaid wallet

During order creation, the total delivery cost will be calculated and compared against the shipper's prepaid wallet balance. Shipper will be prompted to top up their wallet is they have insufficient funds.



  • Login page now configured such that country-specific fields are shown only after country selection

  • New TH Dash Lite shippers now have enforced pickup scanning on in their settings, such that drivers are able to see all pending pickup orders belonging to the shipper

  • New welcome email now sent out to new shippers

    • Emails contain localized content for each country

      • Guides

        • Dashboard

        • Packaging Instructions

        • Service Guidelines

      • Things to Note

      • Terms and Conditions

      • Communication Channels

    • CTA differs according to flow

      • Self-signup flow: "Log into Ninja Dashboard"

      • Sales onboarded flow: "Set your new password"


We have blocked access to Ninja Easy for all shippers with Ninja Easy accounts. These shippers will not be able to log into Ninja Users and those who have previously logged in will be logged out automatically.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug that displayed a blank document when users attempted to print airway bills on Mozilla Firefox and Safari browsers