Having an issue? We've compiled a list of commonly encountered issues and how to solve them.

1. Who should I be escalating any Ninja Dashboard issues to?

Each country will have an in-country person-in-charge (PIC) from Shipper Support or KAM through which all issues should be escalated to. The PIC will be responsible for filtering through the issues raised and escalating those that cannot be resolved to Tech via the #pdt-dash Slack channel for urgent items or by creating a TS ticket otherwise.

What is an urgent issue?

  • Issues that prevent a large number of shippers from completing critical flows e.g. order creation

Is there any information that I need to provide to my in-country PIC?

  • Provide an overview of the issue faced, detailed steps taken that led to the issue and any relevant information such as error messages, screen shots and order information uploaded

Who is the local PIC I should be reaching out to?

2. I can't login to Ninja Dashboard. What's wrong?

Step 1. Is the shipper an eligible shipper?

  • Only eligible shippers will be allowed to migrate to Ninja Dashboard for now. Refer to the ND Eligible GSheet for a list of eligible Ninja Dashboard shippers. All shippers on that list have been whitelisted and have access to Ninja Dashboard

Step 2: Are you using the correct login credentials?

  • Scenario 1: Shipper has logged into Ninja Dashboard before (See below)

    • Shipper to reset password via the forget password flow on Ninja Dashboard

    • Click on I forgot

    • Enter in your email and we'll email a link to the email provided to reset your Ninja Dashboard password

    • Note: Email used must be the Ninja Dashboard log in email

  • Scenario 2: Shipper has not logged into Ninja Dashboard before (See below)

    • Tech has reset their Shipper Dashboard password to a random password

    • Shipper to log into Ninja Dashboard by resetting password via the forget password flow on Ninja Dashboard

    • Click on I forgot

    • Enter in your email and we'll email a link to the email provided to reset your Ninja Dashboard password

I have a shipper who is a Ninja Dashboard eligible shipper. How do I know whether the Shipper has logged into Ninja Dashboard before? How do I know whether a Shipper has a Ninja Dashboard account?

  • Go to the Shippers page on Operator and search for your shipper

  • Check to see whether the Ninja Dashboard login button is enabled

    • Ninja Dashboard login button is enabled

      • Shipper has a Ninja Dashboard account

    • Ninja Dashboard login button is disabled

      • Shipper doesn't have a Ninja Dashboard account

  • If the shipper eligible for Ninja Dashboard, then it was most likely that when the shipper was created, their settings made them ineligible for Ninja Dashboard but had their settings changed after. To enable Ninja Dashboard for the shipper, reach out to your PIC to have them create a ticket for us to create a Ninja Dashboard account for them.

Ninja Dashboard login is enabled for this shipper which means that the shipper has migrated over to Ninja Dashboard and thus has a Ninja Dashboard account.

Ninja Dashboard login is disabled for this shipper which means that the shipper has yet to migrate over to Ninja Dashboard and thus does not have a Ninja Dashboard account.

Step 3: Have you or the shipper recently reset their Shipper Dashboard email?

  • Reach out to your local PIC to create a Tech Support ticket for Tech to re-whitelist shipper

Step 4: Are you using your Sandbox login instead?

  • You should be logging into dashboard.ninjavan.co using the login for production Shipper Dashboard account

3. Why can't I book a pickup for today?

Same day pickups in Ninja Dashboard are restricted by on the shipper's same day pickup cutoff timing. Shippers will not be able to schedule a pickup for that day once the same day pickup cutoff timing has passed.

4. My shipper is unable to receive their reset password email. What do I do?

There are a few reasons why your shipper might not be receiving this email:

  1. Email is invalid and so we're unable to send it to them

  2. Issues with their email inbox e.g. bounced email etc

  3. Don't have access to the email being used to login

For 1 and 3, they can request to change their login email. To do so, work with your local PIC to change the email login.