Release Notes 1 (2018-09-19)

New Builds


  • Pickup Address

  • Additional fields have been added:

    • Address 2 field to capture building, floor and unit number

    • Postcode field (mandatory only in SG, MY, TH and MM) which will be pre-populated based on address selected where possible

  • Order Creation

    • Only parcel size is mandatory (Create Orders > 2 Manually create your orders)

    • Removed Shipper Name, Shipper Contact and Shipper Address as fields that need to be mapped in the CSV mapping

      • These will automatically be taken from the pickup address selected

      • Note: These fields will be removed from existing Ninja Dashboard CSV mapping templates that have been created and these mapping templates will still work with the shipper's existing files.

    • Delivery date format must be provided in mm/dd/yyyy or mm-dd-yyyy format

    • Proof of Delivery (POD)

    • Additional fields have been added:

      • Receiver's relation to recipient

      • Location on map where the parcel was delivered

Bug Fixes

  • Newly created CSV mapping template is automatically selected on the bulk upload screen after it is created

  • Same day pickups can be created up until the same day pickup cutoff time which is set at the shipper level.

  • All of the recipient's address details (address 1, address 2, neighborhood, locality, region, zip and postcode) will be displayed on Airway bills if provided during order creation

  • Downloaded file containing orders with errors contains the original order information and error associated with that order

Additional Clarifications