
Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Objective: Identify major wildlife challenges

Leading Question: What has caused the endangerment of wildlife species?

Introduction to Wildlife

  • Discussion on wildlife challenges

  • Complete America's Wildlife Today worksheet found in google classroom under The Un-endangered Species video.

  • Watch The Un-endangered Species video and complete the Key Words about Wildlife Management worksheet found in google classroom.

  • Review your responses to America's Wildlife Today worksheet.

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Objective: Determine basic wildlife life processes

Leading Question: What are the basic life processes of wildlife?

Understanding Life Processes

Thursday, January 5, 2023

Objective: Analyze basic life processes of a specific wildlife

Leading Question: What does your food chain look like for the wildlife species you researched?

Species of Wildlife

Friday, January 6, 2023

Objective: Evaluate your SAE status

Leading Question: Identify a unique characteristic that your wildlife possesses

    • Make your final course journal entry (identify what we did this week in class and how prepared you are to assess)

    • Make your final experience journal entry (identify how much time you spent doing your SAE and explain what you did)

    • Make your final financial entry if you spent money or received money relating to your SAE

    • All SAE's must be completed by today.

    • Review common wildlife found in Wisconsin using the Wildlife Furbearing Species of Wisconsin slideshow.

    • Complete the Wildlife Mobile Gallery Walk using the corresponding worksheet.

Monday, January 9, 2023

Objective: Analyze basic life processes of a specific wildlife

Leading Question: Name 10 furbearers found in Wisconsin.

Review common wildlife found in Wisconsin using the Wildlife Furbearing Species of Wisconsin slideshow.

Create a Wildlife Mobile.

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Objective: Develop a food chain/web for your wildlife species

Leading Question: What is your wildlife's prey and predators?

Food Chains and Webs

Create a food chain and web based on the wildlife researched for the wildlife mobile. Draw these in your notebook and submit a picture in google classroom.

Finish wildlife mobile

Wednesday January 11, 2023

Objective: Determine the amount of deer in the FFA forest

Leading Question: What does the food web look like for your wildlife species?

Wildlife Management

Thursday, January 12, 2023

Objective: Determine best management practices for wildlife scenarios

Leading Question: How do we manage wildlife?

Wildlife Management

  • Complete the Wildlife Management Student Notes defining wildlife and wildlife relationships only using pages 235-238 in the textbook.

  • Class discussion on terms and why wildlife are important to humans. Use the Wildlife slideshow linked above to follow along.

  • Watch iCEV Animal Ecology: Wildlife and Highway Crossings.

  • Complete the Wildlife Management Student Notes identifying the 5 classifications of wildlife management only using pages 239-250 in the textbook.

  • Watch iCEV Wildlife & Habitat Management in Arid Lands - watch only Grazing and Habitat segment - which classification/s does this represent?

Friday, January 13, 2023

Objective: Determine the white-tailed deer population

Leading Question: How does hunting help manage wildlife?

Wildlife Management

  • Complete the Wildlife Scenarios worksheet.

  • View wildlife mobiles and record information into the spreadsheet worksheet

Monday, January 16, 2023

Objective: Analyze hunting as a wildlife management technique

Leading Question: Name 5 careers in wildlife management.

Hunting Wildlife

  • Use the wildlife slideshow to follow along.

  • Complete the What do "They Say" about Hunting worksheet found in google classroom.

  • Watch What They Say about Hunting video.

  • Complete the Fact vs. Opinion in the hunting Controversy worksheet found in google classroom.

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Objective: Identify major wildlife careers

Leading Question: What is your favorite wildlife species and why?

Careers in Wildlife Management

  • Watch the iCEV Careers in Wildlife Management video. Complete the word search that goes with it in google classroom.

  • Review careers in Wildlife Management.

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Objective: Review wildlife

Leading Question: How can you determine the number of deer in an area?

  • Take the Wildlife Quiz

  • Complete the grouping terms activity

  • Play the Kahoot review

  • Review the furbearer slideshow

Monday, January 23, 2023

Objective: Assess on wildlife

Leading Question: How can you determine the number of deer in an area?

  • Take Wildlife Test.

  • Turn in interactive notebook

  • Watch the hunting video