Animal Systems

March 25, 2024

Objective: Define terms used in animal agriculture

Leading Question: What are young female cattle called?

What do you Call It? - An Introduction to Livestock Terminology

Shoe grouping activity

Floor puzzle activity

Organize common terms used in animals

March 27, 2024

Objective Define terms used in animal agriculture

Leading Question: What is an adult male pig called?

Organize common terms used in animals

Flash card game

April 1, 2024

Objective: Describe the poultry industry

Leading Question: What are two methods of chicken production?

Where do they come from? The chicken and the egg

Read the story, "Which Came First, the Chicken or the Egg?"

Describe egg and meat production using the Einstein moment

April 4, 2024

Objective: Describe how pigs are raised

Leading Question: Identify two methods of hog production

How are pigs raised?  Swine Production Systems

Indoor vs. outdoor pro/con chart

Read the "Pork Production Today" and complete the Comparison of Swine Production Systems worksheet.

Complete the Timeline of a Pig's Life by drawing what it looks like and explaining the stage.

Gestation, FarrowingNursery and Finishing Videos

April 8, 2024

Objective: Describe how sheep and goats are raised

Leading Question: What are 4 methods of sheep and goat production?

How are Sheep and Goats Raised?  Sheep and Goat Production Systems

Sentence Stem activity

Describe the 4 methods of sheep and goat production.  Then create a mind map or diagram that includes what was learned today in class.

Sentence Stem activity

Watch goat industry video and sheep industry video.

Dye wool

April 10, 2024

Objective: Describe how beef cattle are raised

Leading Question: What are 3 stages of beef cattle production?

Where's the Beef Come From?

Make a list of everything you ate in the last 24 hours and circle everything that had beef in it.

Create a song about one of the three stages of beef production using the information provided.  Share your song with the class.

Take notes on the different beef production systems.

Draw a picture of each type of production system after the songs are shared in class.

April 12, 2024

Objective: Identify specialty animal systems as they apply to the agriculture industry

Leading Question: What is the difference between an alpaca and a llama?

Specialty Animal Production Systems

Share an interesting piece of information you learned today

April 16, 2024 

Objective: Describe how milk is produced on a dairy farm

Leading Question: What are 4 components of a dairy farm?

Where Your Milk Comes from...Dairy Production Systems

Complete the questions: What do you know about milk, what do you think you know about milk and what would you like to know about milk?

Create a poster on one of the areas of milk production through the information provided in class by including a picture, terms and definitions of new vocabulary, and describing the importance of this stage in dairy production.  Then prepare a presentation for the class.

April 18, 2024

Objective: Describe how milk is produced on a dairy farm

Leading Question: What are the offspring of cattle called?

Create a poster on one of the areas of milk production through the information provided in class by including a picture, terms and definitions of new vocabulary, and describing the importance of this stage in dairy production.  Then prepare a presentation for the class.

Present posters and take notes

April 23, 2024

Objective: Describe different pets in the pet industry

Leading Question: What are the 7 groups of dogs?

Pet Day

April 25, 2024

Objective: Describe two basic systems in aquaculture

Leading Question: What is aquaculture?

A Fishing Trip into the Aquaculture Industry

Answer the following questions:

Poles and Fish activity

Answer the following questions using the information from class:

Animal Terminology Quiz

April 29, 2024

Objective: Assess on animals

Leading Question: What was your favorite animal to learn about?

Discuss beef production systems

Review animal systems

Makeup work missed

Assess on animal systems