Biotechnology Systems

Day 1:

Identifying Biotechnology

  • Study the four pictures posted in classroom and answer the following questions

    • 1. What do you notice about the picture?

    • 2. Do these pictures look familiar?

    • 3. What do you think is happening in each picture?

    • 4. What do all of these pictures have in common?

  • Write a definition of biotechnology on a post-it note and share it with me.

  • Discover the 20 different biotechnology examples located in google classroom by taking notes on each one on the worksheet also found in google classroom.

Day 2:

The Pros and Cons of Biotechnology

  • Draw a picture of what makes life good.

  • Cut out the topics and sort them into two categories, disadvantages and advantages. Glue them on to the advantages and disadvantages worksheet on the left hand side. Then draw an icon that will help you remember the advantage or disadvantage in the right column.

Day 3:

Extra! Extra! Biotechnology in Agriculture