Monday, Jan. 24, 2020

Welcome to Agriculture!

Leading Question: What are the left hand finger points?

Read through the course syllabus on the home page of this course. Please sign the last page and take a picture and submit the picture in google classroom. This is due Sept. 4.

Take Introduction to Agriculture Pretest

Tuesday, Sept. 8, 2020

Introduction to SAE's.

Leading Question: What are SAE's?

SAE worksheet - print the 2nd page of document to fill in the components while watching the SAE video below. Take a picture of this and submit it into google classroom.

Watch SAE video: Lawn Care SAE

Take the SAE Survey.

Go over the SAE cards in each of the pathways below and make a list of all the SAE's that interest you.

Wednesday, Sept. 9, 2020

Leading Question: How do SAE's connect to FFA?

SAE worksheet - print the 2nd page of this document to fill in the components while watching the SAE video below. Take a picture of this and submit it into google classroom.

Watch SAE video: Pet Store SAE

Look over your SAE list you developed yesterday, and identify only one SAE you could feasibly do right now.

Log on to following these instructions.

    • For logging in:

        • Chapter: WI0171

        • Username and Password have been emailed to you individually. I would suggest changing your password to something you will remember once you are in the program. Please write down your password once you change it.

    • Click on "Profile" tab and under "About You", complete the "Manage/Edit your personal profile and password", and "Record your class schedule".

    • Click on the "Journal" tab and then under the "Edit/Review Entries" section, click on "Project Experience Manager (SAE)". This is where you will add the SAE that you chose above. Click "Add New" and fill in the page. Please email with any questions.

Thursday, Sept. 10, 2020

Overview of SAE Project and use of AET

Leading Question: What are the expectations for the SAE project?

SAE Project Expectations/Libability Form. Please print this and sign the last page. It requires a parent signature as well. This is due September 11, 2020.

Watch SAE video: Happy Souls Socks Ministry - Service Learning SAE

Watch SAE video: Research - Composting SAE

SAE Friday's: Every Friday we have school, it will be expected of you to complete certain components of website. Please follow those directions. You should have completed all required components of theAET by the end of the semester. SAE's are not optional; they are required in order to be eligible to pass this course. You must complete 15 documented hours related to your SAE.

    • Go to

    • Click on the "Journal" tab and then under "Your Time Entries" section, click on "Time in Classroom Activities". Complete a journal of what we did this week in class.

    • If you were able to begin your SAE, complete one journal entry under "Time in your AET Projects/Experiences (SAEs)" to start counting towards your 15 hours of experience.

    • AET Journal Directions

Submit your signed course syllabus in google classroom.

Every Friday During 1st Semester

Friday, Sept. 11, 2020

SAE Development

Leading Question: What do you want to learn in your SAE?

    • Use the AET Experience Manager Directions to fill in your information on Items that should be completed today are "Description", "Time Investment", "Financial Investment" and "Learning Objectives".

    • Please take a picture of you SAE Liability Form and submit it into google classroom. It is due today.

    • At the top of the page, you will click on "SAE Plan - (your SAE title) (PDF Agreement)". This will generate an SAE agreement. This is due by Friday, September 18. Please take a picture of your signed agreement and submit it in google classroom.

    • Click on the "Journal" tab and then under "Your Time Entries" section, click on "Time in Classroom Activities". Complete a journal of what we did this week in class.

    • If you were able to begin your SAE, complete one journal entry under "Time in your AET Projects/Experiences (SAEs)" to start counting towards your 15 hours of experience.

    • AET Journal Directions

    • All SAE's should be started this week.

Friday, Sept. 18, 2020

    • Use the AET Finances Directions to fill in your information on Items completed today vary with the type of SAE you have. Please read all of the directions so all of your finances are complete.

    • Submit your signed SAE agreement in google classroom.

    • Click on the "Journal" tab and then under "Your Time Entries" section, click on "Time in Classroom Activities". Complete a journal of what we did this week in class.

    • You are now ready to complete one journal entry under "Time in your AET Projects/Experiences (SAEs)" to start counting towards your 15 hours of experience if you have not already started this. Complete a journal for every time you worked on your SAE project this week.

    • AET Journal Directions

Friday, Sept. 25, 2020

    • Go to

    • Click on the "Journal" tab and then under "Your Time Entries" section, click on "Time in Classroom Activities". Complete a journal of what we did this week in class.

    • Complete one journal entry under "Time in your AET Projects/Experiences (SAEs)" to count towards your 15 hours of experience. Complete a journal for every time you worked on your SAE project this week.

    • Click on the "Finances" tab and enter any finances from this past week. This includes paychecks.

    • This is a catch-up week for anyone who needs additional assistance with AET or their SAE.

Friday, Oct. 2, 2020

    • Go to

    • Click on the "Journal" tab and then under "Your Time Entries" section, click on "Time in Classroom Activities". Complete a journal of what we did this week in class.

    • Complete one journal entry under "Time in your AET Projects/Experiences (SAEs)" to count towards your 15 hours of experience. Complete a journal for every time you worked on your SAE project this week.

    • Click on the "Finances" tab and enter any finances from this past week. This includes paychecks.

    • Click on the "Profiles" tab and under "About You", click on "Test your knowledge and gain a passing score". Take the safety test. In agriculture, safety is of utmost importance. Even if you think your SAE does not involve some sort of safety, it does. Many of these same rules apply to all sorts of machinery including some of your recreational equipment. This is due today!

Friday, Oct. 16, 2020

    • Go to

    • Click on the "Journal" tab and then under "Your Time Entries" section, click on "Time in Classroom Activities". Complete a journal of what we did this week in class.

    • Complete one journal entry under "Time in your AET Projects/Experiences (SAEs)" to count towards your 15 hours of experience. Complete a journal for every time you worked on your SAE project this week.

    • Click on the "Finances" tab and enter any finances from this past week. This includes paychecks.

    • Click on the "Profiles" tab and under "About You", click on "Test your knowledge and gain a passing score". Take the parliamentary law test. Parliamentary law is all about running and organizing meetings. I guarantee all of you will at some point be a part of an organized meeting that will follow these rules. This is also an excellent tool to have before graduating high school. The FFA offers a competition in parliamentary law that is a lot of fun! This due today!

Friday, Oct. 30, 2020

    • Go to

    • Click on the "Journal" tab and then under "Your Time Entries" section, click on "Time in Classroom Activities". Complete a journal of what we did this week in class.

    • Complete one journal entry under "Time in your AET Projects/Experiences (SAEs)" to count towards your 15 hours of experience. Complete a journal for every time you worked on your SAE project this week.

    • Click on the "Finances" tab and enter any finances from this past week. This includes paychecks.

    • Click on "Profile" and then under "About you" click on "Manage your Resume information". Fill in all components of the resume under the "Review/Edit" tab. If you are not in FFA, you will not be able to complete the FFA degree section and that is okay. The rest of the sections should be self-explanatory, but if you question where something should go, please email. You should have something added to every section. If you do not, I would highly recommend that you get involved in an organization at school to start building your resume since this is a graduation requirement.

Friday, Nov. 6, 2020

    • Go to

    • Click on the "Journal" tab and then under "Your Time Entries" section, click on "Time in Classroom Activities". Complete a journal of what we did this week in class.

    • Complete one journal entry under "Time in your AET Projects/Experiences (SAEs)" to count towards your 15 hours of experience. Complete a journal for every time you worked on your SAE project this week.

    • Click on the "Finances" tab and enter any finances from this past week. This includes paychecks.

    • Click on "Profile" and then under "About you" click on "Manage your Resume information". Fill in all components of the resume under the "Objective" and "References" tab. Under the objective tab, you will write a brief sentence about your future plans. For example: To go to college to earn a bachelor's degree in agriculture. Under the references tab, you will identify 3 people that are unrelated to you and would give you a good recommendation. For these 3 people, please include the following: Name, Job Title, Company, Address, and Phone number.

    • Click on “Journal” and then under “Your Time Entries” click on “Time in your community service activities”. Add as many entries as needed based on the number of community service activities you have completed.

    • Then go back to “Journal” and “Your Time Entries” and click on “Other Activities”. Add as many entries as needed based on the number of different speeches given, and other non-agriculturally based time like working for a business not related to your SAE.

    • Your resume will be complete after this process and you can generate a PDF of it by clicking on "Review/Edit" tab and then clicking on the "Generate Resume". If there are blanks anywhere on your resume it is because you either did not fill in all of the components or you are not an FFA member and do not have experience in certain areas of the resume. This is due Friday, Nov. 20.

Friday, Nov. 20, 2020

    • Go to

    • Click on the "Journal" tab and then under "Your Time Entries" section, click on "Time in Classroom Activities". Complete a journal of what we did this week in class.

    • Complete one journal entry under "Time in your AET Projects/Experiences (SAEs)" to count towards your 15 hours of experience. Complete a journal for every time you worked on your SAE project this week.

    • Click on the "Finances" tab and enter any finances from this past week. This includes paychecks.

    • Create a cover letter by using the instructions linked here. You will be doing this in a google doc and submitting it in google classroom. This is due Dec. 11.

Friday, Dec. 4, 2020

    • Go to

    • Click on the "Journal" tab and then under "Your Time Entries" section, click on "Time in Classroom Activities". Complete a journal of what we did this week in class.

    • Complete one journal entry under "Time in your AET Projects/Experiences (SAEs)" to count towards your 15 hours of experience. Complete a journal for every time you worked on your SAE project this week.

    • Click on the "Finances" tab and enter any finances from this past week. This includes paychecks.

    • Create a cover letter by using the instructions linked here. You should have started this last week. You will be doing this in a google doc and submitting it in google classroom. This is due Dec. 11.

Friday, Dec. 11, 2020

    • Go to

    • Click on the "Journal" tab and then under "Your Time Entries" section, click on "Time in Classroom Activities". Complete a journal of what we did this week in class.

    • Complete one journal entry under "Time in your AET Projects/Experiences (SAEs)" to count towards your 15 hours of experience. Complete a journal for every time you worked on your SAE project this week.

    • Click on the "Finances" tab and enter any finances from this past week. This includes paychecks.

    • Upload 3 pictures of your SAE in Click on "Journal" and under "Edit/Review Entries", click on "Project Experience Manager". Then click on the number under the column of "Files/Photos". You can add your 3 photos here. These are due by Dec. 18.

    • Submit your cover letter in google classroom today!

Friday, Dec. 18, 2020

    • Go to

    • Click on the "Journal" tab and then under "Your Time Entries" section, click on "Time in Classroom Activities". Complete a journal of what we did this week in class.

    • Complete one journal entry under "Time in your AET Projects/Experiences (SAEs)" to count towards your 15 hours of experience. Complete a journal for every time you worked on your SAE project this week.

    • Click on the "Finances" tab and enter any finances from this past week. This includes paychecks.

    • Identify the skills, knowledge and competencies you have gained during your SAE. Click on "Journal" and under "Edit/Review Entries", click on "Project Experience Manager". Then click on the brain picture under "Year-end Tools". Follow the instructions on the screen. You will be reviewing your initial SAE plan and basically showing your success with this SAE. This is due today!

    • Upload 3 pictures of your SAE in Click on "Journal" and under "Edit/Review Entries", click on "Project Experience Manager". Then click on the number under the column of "Files/Photos". You can add your 3 photos here. These are due today!

Friday, Jan. 8, 2020

    • Go to

    • Click on the "Journal" tab and then under "Your Time Entries" section, click on "Time in Classroom Activities". Complete a journal of what we did this week in class.

    • Complete one journal entry under "Time in your AET Projects/Experiences (SAEs)" to count towards your 15 hours of experience. Complete a journal for every time you worked on your SAE project this week.

    • Click on the "Finances" tab and enter any finances from this past week. This includes paychecks.

    • This is your final entry in AET. All components of the project should be complete at this time. Please double check that you have 13 Time in your Classroom Activities journals, a minimum of 5 Time in your AET Project journals and a minimum of 5 Financial entries.

Semester 2

Week 1

Monday, Jan. 25, 2021

Leading Question: What are the left hand finger points?

Welcome to Agriculture!

Read through the Course Syllabus and Expectations and print the last page. Please sign the last page and take a picture and submit the picture in google classroom. This is due Jan. 29.

Tuesday, Jan. 26, 2021

Leading Question: What is an SAE?

SAE worksheet - print the 2nd page of document to fill in the components while watching the SAE video below. Take a picture of this and submit it into google classroom.

Watch SAE video: Biomedical Research SAE

Read through the Agriscience Research Project Instructions.

Research questions relating to agriculture that you might be interested in learning more about. Choose 3-4 different questions that you think might work for you and are agriculturally based. Below you will find some resources that might give you ideas for research questions.

Wednesday, Jan. 27, 2021

Leading Question: What is a research SAE?

How do Research SAE's connect to FFA?

Click on and see what FFA members are doing as research projects. There are four short videos to watch.

Look over your Research SAE list you developed yesterday, and identify only one agriscience question you could feasibly do right now. Make sure it is agriculturally based.

Log on to following these instructions.

    • For logging in:

        • Chapter: WI0171

        • Username and Password have been emailed to you individually. I would suggest changing your password to something you will remember once you are in the program. Please write down your password once you change it.

    • Click on "Profile" tab and under "About You", complete the "Manage/Edit your personal profile and password", and "Record your class schedule".

    • Click on the "Journal" tab and then under the "Edit/Review Entries" section, click on "Project Experience Manager (SAE)". This is where you will add the Research SAE that you chose above. Click "Add New" and fill in the page. Please email with any questions.

Thursday, Jan. 28, 2021

Leading Question: What question are you exploring for your research SAE?

Overview of SAE Project and use of AET

Research SAE Project Expectations/Liability Form. Please print this and sign the last page. It requires a parent signature as well. This is due Feb. 5, 2021.

SAE Friday's: Every Friday we have school, it will be expected of you to complete certain components of website. Please follow those directions. You should have completed all required components of AET by the end of the semester. SAE's are not optional; they are required in order to be eligible to pass this course. You must complete your agriscience research project display according to the rubric to be eligible to pass this course. Please find the Agriscience SAE Rubric in google classroom.

    • Use the AET Experience Manager Directions to fill in your information on Items that should be completed today are "Description", "Time Investment", "Financial Investment" and "Learning Objectives".

    • At the top of the page, you will click on "SAE Plan - (your SAE title) (PDF Agreement)". This will generate an SAE agreement. This is due by Friday, Feb. 5, 2021. Please take a picture of your signed agreement and submit it in google classroom.

Every Friday During 2nd Semester

Friday, Jan. 29, 2021

Leading Question: What is the difference between an experience journal and a classroom activities journal?

    • Go to

    • Finish your SAE Agreement and print. This is due next Friday, Feb. 5, 2021.

    • Today your focus on the Research SAE is to research the question you are interested in experimenting with. You need to type up this research in paragraph form summarizing what you have learned. You must also cite your sources using APA format. Submit your research and sources in a journal entry in AET. Following the instructions below. This is due today.

      • Complete one journal entry under "Time in your AET Projects/Experiences (SAEs)".

    • Click on the "Journal" tab and then under "Your Time Entries" section, click on "Time in Classroom Activities". Complete a journal of what we did this week in class. This is due today.

    • AET Journal Directions

    • Turn in your signed course syllabus.

Friday, Feb. 5, 2021

    • Use the AET Finances Directions to fill in your information on Items completed today vary with the type of SAE you have. Please read all of the directions so all of your finances are complete.

    • Submit your signed SAE agreement in google classroom.

    • Click on the "Journal" tab and then under "Your Time Entries" section, click on "Time in Classroom Activities". Complete a journal of what we did this week in class.

    • You are now ready to complete one journal entry under "Time in your AET Projects/Experiences (SAEs)" that includes your hypothesis for your agriscience project. This is an "if" "then" "because" statement.

    • Begin designing your experiment. Create a list of supplies and a numerical list of directions for this experiment to take place.

    • AET Journal Directions

    • All SAE's should be started this week.

Friday, Feb. 12, 2021

    • Go to

    • Click on the "Journal" tab and then under "Your Time Entries" section, click on "Time in Classroom Activities". Complete a journal of what we did this week in class.

    • Complete one journal entry under "Time in your AET Projects/Experiences (SAEs)". Create a list of supplies and a numerical list of directions for this experiment to take place in your journal entry.

    • Begin experimenting.

    • Click on the "Finances" tab and enter any finances from this past week.

    • This is a catch-up week for anyone who needs additional assistance with AET or their SAE.

Friday, Feb. 26, 2021

    • Go to

    • Click on the "Journal" tab and then under "Your Time Entries" section, click on "Time in Classroom Activities". Complete a journal of what we did this week in class.

    • Complete one journal entry under "Time in your AET Projects/Experiences (SAEs)" relating to progress in your agriscience project.

    • Click on the "Finances" tab and enter any finances from this past week.

    • Click on the "Profiles" tab and under "About You", click on "Test your knowledge and gain a passing score". Take the safety test. In agriculture, safety is of utmost importance. Even if you think your SAE does not involve some sort of safety, it does. Many of these same rules apply to all sorts of machinery including some of your recreational equipment. This is due today!

Friday, March 5, 2021

    • Go to

    • Click on the "Journal" tab and then under "Your Time Entries" section, click on "Time in Classroom Activities". Complete a journal of what we did this week in class.

    • Complete one journal entry under "Time in your AET Projects/Experiences (SAEs)" to include what is currently happening in your agriscience project.

    • Click on the "Finances" tab and enter any finances from this past week.

    • Click on the "Profiles" tab and under "About You", click on "Test your knowledge and gain a passing score". Take the parliamentary law test. Parliamentary law is all about running and organizing meetings. I guarantee all of you will at some point be a part of an organized meeting that will follow these rules. This is also an excellent tool to have before graduating high school. The FFA offers a competition in parliamentary law that is a lot of fun! This due today!

Friday, March 12, 2021

    • Go to

    • Click on the "Journal" tab and then under "Your Time Entries" section, click on "Time in Classroom Activities". Complete a journal of what we did this week in class.

    • Complete one journal entry under "Time in your AET Projects/Experiences (SAEs)" to describe what you have done in your agriscience project this week.

    • Click on the "Finances" tab and enter any finances from this past week. This includes paychecks.

    • Click on "Profile" and then under "About you" click on "Manage your Resume information". Fill in all components of the resume under the "Review/Edit" tab. If you are not in FFA, you will not be able to complete the FFA degree section and that is okay. The rest of the sections should be self-explanatory, but if you question where something should go, please email. You should have something added to every section. If you do not, I would highly recommend that you get involved in an organization at school to start building your resume since this is a graduation requirement.

Friday, Mar. 26, 2021

    • Go to

    • Click on the "Journal" tab and then under "Your Time Entries" section, click on "Time in Classroom Activities". Complete a journal of what we did this week in class.

    • Complete one journal entry under "Time in your AET Projects/Experiences (SAEs)" to describe what is happening in your agriscience project this week.

    • Click on the "Finances" tab and enter any finances from this past week. This includes paychecks.

    • Click on "Profile" and then under "About you" click on "Manage your Resume information". Fill in all components of the resume under the "Objective" and "References" tab. Under the objective tab, you will write a brief sentence about your future plans. For example: To go to college to earn a bachelor's degree in agriculture. Under the references tab, you will identify 3 people that are unrelated to you and would give you a good recommendation. For these 3 people, please include the following: Name, Job Title, Company, Address, and Phone number.

    • Your resume will be complete after this process and you can generate a PDF of it by clicking on "Review/Edit" tab and then clicking on the "Generate Resume". If there are blanks anywhere on your resume it is because you either did not fill in all of the components or you are not an FFA member and do not have experience in certain areas of the resume. This is due Friday, April 9.

Friday, April 9, 2021

    • Make sure your resume is completed in AET. This is due today.

    • Go to

    • Click on the "Journal" tab and then under "Your Time Entries" section, click on "Time in Classroom Activities". Complete a journal of what we did this week in class.

    • Complete one journal entry under "Time in your AET Projects/Experiences (SAEs)" to create a conclusion about your agriscience project. Your conclusion should include whether you proved or disproved your hypothesis, results that support your hypothesis, things that went wrong during your experiment, and what you would do differently next time to get better results.

    • Click on the "Finances" tab and enter any finances from this past week.

    • Make sure to purchase a tri-fold board.

    • Create a cover letter by using the instructions linked here. You will be doing this in a google doc and submitting it in google classroom. This is due April 30.

Friday, April 16, 2021

    • Go to

    • Click on the "Journal" tab and then under "Your Time Entries" section, click on "Time in Classroom Activities". Complete a journal of what we did this week in class.

    • Complete one journal entry under "Time in your AET Projects/Experiences (SAEs)" to describe any work completed on agriscience project this week.

    • Click on the "Finances" tab and enter any finances from this past week.

    • Create a cover letter by using the instructions linked here. You should have started this last week. You will be doing this in a google doc and submitting it in google classroom. This is due April 30.

Friday, April 30, 2021

    • Turn in your cover letter into google classroom.

    • Go to

    • Click on the "Journal" tab and then under "Your Time Entries" section, click on "Time in Classroom Activities". Complete a journal of what we did this week in class.

    • Complete one journal entry under "Time in your AET Projects/Experiences (SAEs)" to describe what was done on your agriscience project this week.

    • Click on the "Finances" tab and enter any finances from this past week.

    • Upload 3 pictures of your SAE research project in Click on "Journal" and under "Edit/Review Entries", click on "Project Experience Manager". Then click on the number under the column of "Files/Photos". You can add your 3 photos here. These are due by May 7.

Friday, May 7, 2021

    • Go to

    • Click on the "Journal" tab and then under "Your Time Entries" section, click on "Time in Classroom Activities". Complete a journal of what we did this week in class.

    • Complete one journal entry under "Time in your AET Projects/Experiences (SAEs)" to describe what was done in your agriscience project this week.

    • Click on the "Finances" tab and enter any finances from this past week. This includes paychecks.

    • Upload 3 pictures of your SAE in Click on "Journal" and under "Edit/Review Entries", click on "Project Experience Manager". Then click on the number under the column of "Files/Photos". You can add your 3 photos here. These are due today!

    • Finish your tri-fold board display. This is due May 14.

Friday, May 14, 2021

    • Go to

    • Click on the "Journal" tab and then under "Your Time Entries" section, click on "Time in Classroom Activities". Complete a journal of what we did this week in class.

    • Complete one journal entry under "Time in your AET Projects/Experiences (SAEs)" to describe what was done in your agriscience project this week.

    • Click on the "Finances" tab and enter any finances from this past week.

    • This is your final entry in AET. All components of the project should be complete at this time. Please double check that you have 13 Time in your Classroom Activities journals, a minimum of 5 Time in your AET Project journals and a minimum of 2 Financial entries.

    • Turn in your tri-fold board with your agriscience project neatly presented on it. This is due today!