Careers in Horticulture

Monday, Jan. 31, 2022

Objective: Identify the 3 major segments of the horticulture industry

Leading Question: What are the 3 major segments of the horticulture industry?

Watch Eyewitness plants

Complete Into to horticulture notes using slideshow.

Exploring the horticulture industry lab - this is due Feb. 1

Tuesday, Feb. 1, 2022

Objective: Explain the importance of the ornamental horticulture, olericulture and pomology industries

Leading Question: What is olericulture?

Understand differences in horticulture crop pricing

Discuss the overall industry

Determine the value of horticulture food products - this is due Feb. 1

Red Carpet Career Project

Wednesday, Feb. 2, 2022

Objective: Describe a horticulturally related career

Leading Question: What is pomology?

List all the local horticulture businesses

Red Carpet Career Project - this is due today.

Thursday, Feb. 3, 2022

Objective: Assess on horticulture

Leading Question: Name one thing you learned in this unit about horticulture.

Red Carpet Career Project presentation

Take the Introduction to Horticulture Test

Friday, Feb. 4, 2022

Objective: Develop agriscience project procedures and observations sheet

Leading Question: Identify 3 careers in horticulture.

Turn in your introduction to horticulture interactive notebook today

    • Use the AET Finances Directions to fill in your information on Items completed today vary with the type of SAE you have. Please read all of the directions so all of your finances are complete.

    • Submit your signed SAE agreement in google classroom.

    • Click on the "Journal" tab and then under "Your Time Entries" section, click on "Time in Classroom Activities". Complete a journal of what we did this week in class.

    • You are now ready to complete one journal entry under "Time in your AET Projects/Experiences (SAEs)" that includes your hypothesis for your agriscience project. This is an "if" "then" "because" statement.

    • Begin designing your experiment. Create a list of supplies and a numerical list of directions for this experiment to take place.

    • AET Journal Directions

    • All SAE's should be started this week.