Media & Fertilizers

Monday, May 16, 2022

Leading Question: What is soil made up of?

Describe soil using slides 1-11 on the soil media PPT. Take notes using the guided notes sheet.

Draw a soil horizon based on what you learned from the PPT. At the bottom, answer these questions: Where are roots located? Why are roots located here? If you don't know what a soil horizon should look like or how to answer these questions, please see that there is a copy of the Ch. 11 textbook (Pg. 281-282) posted in google classroom.

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Leading Question: What are the soil horizons?

Take notes on slides 12-14 on characteristics of soil and soil media using the Ch. 11 PPT.

Complete the soil triangle worksheets.

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Leading Question: What does a soil triangle tell you?

Watch the video about different soil textures.

Complete one of the 3 soil structure/texture labs.

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Leading Question: What are the 3 textural classes of soil?

Take notes on slide 16 relating to soil water of the soil and media PPT. Use your guided notes sheet to help you with notes.

Watch the video relating to soil water.

Complete the soil water capacity lab of a house plant at home.

  • Measure out 1 cup of water.

  • Put your plant so that water can be caught underneath of it.

  • Pour water into the pot.

  • Stop pouring water once you see water coming out the bottom. At this point the plant is saturated with water.

  • Record how much water is left in your cup.

  • Allow the plant to drip water.

  • Once the plant stops dripping water, measure how much water was caught under the plant.

  • Add that amount to what was left in your cup.

  • Subtract your answer to h from 1 cup and that is how much soil water capacity your plant has.

Take notes on slides 17-21 of the soil and media PPT. relating to Biological properties of soil. Use your guided notes sheet to help you with notes.

Watch the video on microorganisms found in soil.

Friday, May 20, 2022

Leading Question: What is the difference between gravitational water and capillary water?

Take notes on slides 22-26 of the soil and soil media PPT. Use the guided notes handout.

Complete activity 11C Soil pH and EC Range.

Monday, May 23, 2022

Leading Question: What are 3 soilless soils?

View slides 27-36 or the soils and soil media PPT. Take notes using your guided notes sheet.

Identify the soilless media on the PPT. labeled soilless media practice.

Clean out fish tank and aeroponics unit.