Parliamentary Procedure

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Objective: Demonstrate how to complete a main motion

Leading Question: Why is parliamentary procedure used?

Watch iCEV Parliamentary Procedure Guidelines. Only view the first 3 segments.

Write a main motion using proper wording. A guide can be found in google classroom called main motion.

Use the script and run through a main motion.

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Objective: Demonstrate how to complete a main motion

Leading Question: What is parliamentary procedure?

Watch iCEV Parliamentary Procedure Guidelines. Watch segments 4 and 5 only.

Complete the Order of Precedence activity found in google classroom.

Practice running a main motion.

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Leading Question: Name 5 privileged motions.

Watch iCEV Parliamentary Procedure Guidelines. Watch segment 6 only.

Complete the count your votes worksheet found in google classroom.

Practice running privileged motions.

Friday, January 27, 2023

Leading Question: What are 5 subsidiary motions?

Watch iCEV Parliamentary Procedure Guidelines. Watch segment 7 only. Complete the crossword puzzle while watching the video. The worksheet is in google classroom.

Practice running subsidiary motions.

Monday, January 30, 2023

Leading Question: What are 5 incidental motions?

Watch iCEV Parliamentary Procedure Guidelines. Watch segment 8 only. Complete the crossword puzzle while watching the video. The worksheet is in google classroom.

Practice running incidental motions

Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Objective: Identify what an SAE is

Leading Question: What is an SAE?

  • Complete the SAE worksheet while watching the SAE video. This worksheet is due today.

  • Watch SAE video: Biomedical Research SAE

  • Read through the Agriscience Research Project Instructions.

  • Research questions relating to agriculture that you might be interested in learning more about. Choose 3-4 different questions that you think might work for you and are agriculturally based. Below you will find some resources that might give you ideas for research questions.

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Objective: Describe how research SAE's relate to FFA

Leading Question: What is a research SAE?

  • Create a copy of the google sheet in the assignment SAE Research Project found in google classroom and begin developing your question and hypothesis.

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Objective: Develop a research SAE project

Leading Question: What question are you exploring for your research SAE?

  • Research SAE Project Expectations/Liability Form.

  • SAE Friday's: Every Friday we have school, it will be expected of you to complete certain components of the SAE Research Project. SAE's are not optional; they are required in order to be eligible to pass this course. You must complete your agriscience research project display according to the rubric to be eligible to pass this course. Please find the Agriscience SAE Rubric in google classroom.

  • Use the google sheet in your SAE Research project to complete the tab labeled SAE agreement. In there you will complete the "Description", "Time Investment", "Financial Investment" and "Learning Objectives" portions.

  • A signed copy of this SAE agreement is due by Friday, Feb. 3, 2023.

Friday, February 3, 2023

Objective: Develop a hypothesis and a list of procedures for your agriscience project

Leading Question: What is your SAE research hypothesis?

  • Turn in your signed SAE agreement.

  • Click on the "Journal" tab in your SAE research project in google classroom and record your hypothesis in the journal. This should be an "If" "then" "because" statement.

  • Begin designing your experiment. Create a list of supplies and a numerical list of directions for this experiment to take place.

  • All Research SAE's should be started this week.