Agricultural Education Systems

Day 1:

The Role of an Advocate

  • Curfew role play

  • Define advocacy and answer the following questions:

    • 1. What is an issue you would like to advocate for?

    • 2. What methods can we used to be an advocate?

    • 3. What methods might work best when trying to convince your parents to allow you to stay up an extra hour?

    • 4. Would that also be the best method to convince the President of the United States to sign/veto a bill?

  • Watch the "What about Now" music video by Chris Daughtry.

  • FFA discussion meet on how to be better agriculture advocates

Day 2:

Advocacy in Agriculture

  • Brainstorm a list decisions made everyday and categorize them into one of two groups: decisions that you make by yourself and decision that may require input from others.

  • Overview of the Farm Bureau

  • Find a current event from the Farm Bureau linked here that is related to the current concerns of today's agriculture and while you read about it, answer the following questions: who, what, when, where, why and how.

Day 3:

Teach Agriculture

  • Watch this Teach Ag video. Record 2-3 characteristics that ag teachers need to possess.

  • Take those 3 characteristics and fill in the sentence: "If I were an ag teacher I would… " for each characteristic.

  • Interview guest career speaker

  • Play the game "Think like your Ag Teacher"

Day 4:

Are you Smarter than your Ag Teacher?

  • Play Are you Smarter than your Ag Teacher game.