
Tuesday 26th October

12-12:20pm - Whole Class Google Meet: Maths

For this session your child will require: -

Writing Pencil

Something to write on (Scrap book, Note pad, Paper)

12:20-12:40pm - Small group maths: Students in this group will be asked to remain after the meet.

Task 1: Place value mystery pictures

Complete the place value mystery pictures below by tracing (easier) or writing (harder) numbers 1-100 in the 100 chart.

You may choose to trace/ write them in order counting by 1s or challenge yourself by skip counting.

For example, skip count by 2s starting from 0 (2,4,6...) in one colour and then skip count by 2s starting at 1 (1,3,5...) in another colour.

Once your 100 chart is complete follow the clues on page 2 to help you colour the numbers correctly to make the picture.


Place value colour easier.pdf


Place value colur hard.pdf

Optional Task: Bead numbers

Bead Numbers is a place value investigation involving a tens and ones abacus. First select how many beads to work with from 1 to 9. Arrange the chosen number of beads on the abacus spikes to find all the different numbers which can be made, and enter each number using the keypad on the right.

Optional Task: Sorting numbers

Numbers are sorted by two conditions.

In Level 1 numbers are sorted into odd or even and more or less than either a number up to 10 or in Level 2 up to 99. In levels 3 and 4 sorting numbers up to 99 or 999 respectively is by odd or even and by the place value of particular digits such as 7 tens.