Monday Literacy

Monday 26th of July

Whole Class Google Meet - Reading 9am:

For this session your child will require: -

Writing Pencil

Coloured pencils

Something to write on (Scrap book, Note pad, Paper)

Task 1: Sticky sentence

Copy of Today is the day we want to play sticky sentence

Complete the sticky sentence

Read the sentence at the top of the worksheet. See if you can find the 'ay' blend in the words. Cut out the jumbled words and paste them down in the correct order; copy the sentence on piece of paper . Then write this sentence underneath in your own handwriting. Next, see if you can make up your own version of this sentence and write it down eg. Today I will play with my Lego. Finally, you need to draw a picture to match one of the sentences.

Task 2 : Identify our blend of the week 'ay'

"ay" is the Blend of the week

Read and colour each picture that has the blend 'ay'. Did you have any of your own that you could draw and add?

You can write the blend 'ay' on sheet and trace over the ay letters ten times with your coloured pencils. Then paste the ay pictures around this letter blend.

Copy of ay and it Picture sort .pdf

Task 3 : Practice your magic words

Practise your coloured sight words

Magic Words are the most common words in English and are the most important words in learning to read.

​Magic 100 Words make up half of all the words in reading.

Once your child can confidently recognise all the words in the set they are learning they can start practising the next set as well!

Read through your words once a day.

m200wslideshow-150401035246-conversion-gate01 (1).pdf

Task 4 : Read a book on Active Learn

Active Learn

Active learn is an online platform that provides levelled books suited for the students, we would like you to read at least one book a day and this can be accessed on

Their log in information should be at the back of their magic words book.

Whole Class Google Meet - Writing 10.00am:

For this session your child will require: -

Writing Pencil

Coloured pencils

Something to write on (Scrap book, Note pad, Paper)

Task 5 : Handwriting


Students in Prep will be focusing on the blend 'ay' this week. Have students watch the video that shows what sound the letters n and g make when together and what words have ng in them. Afterwards, watch the two other videos to help you with the correct formations when writing the letters a and y.

Then have students practice the correct formation of the letters ng and also keep an eye on their pencil grip by using the ng handwriting worksheet.

In the box at the end of the handwriting sheet you can draw a picture of something that has the ay blend in it.