
Tuesday 5th October

9-9:20am - Whole Class Google Meet: Reading

For this session your child will require: -

Writing Pencil

Something to write on (Scrap book, Note pad, Paper)

9:20-9:40am - Small group reading: Students in this group will be asked to remain after the meet.

Task 1: Reading activity

Watch the video about Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.

Listen carefully and see if you find the story elements

  1. Characters (the people in the story)

  2. Setting (the place or where)

  3. Plot (the beginning, middle and end)

In stories the plot often has a problem in the middle, see if you can work out what the problem is in this story.

At the end of the story the characters often fix (find a solution) to the problem, see if you can work out how the characters fix the problem in this book.

Snow White Story Map.pdf

Once you have watched the video complete the worksheet.

Draw a picture of your answer in each box and write 1 sentence answer.

If you are not sure what to put in the box try watching the video again.

Task 2: Beginner crossword puzzle

Snow white crossword puzzle.pdf

Snow White crossword

Have a go at doing this fun Snow White crossword puzzle. Look at the numbered clues then to the word list to find the correct spelling. Finally, insert your word into the puzzle.

Task 3: Read a book (or 2!) on Active Learn

Active Learn

Active learn is an online platform that provides levelled books suited for the students, we would like you to read at least one book a day and this can be accessed on

Their log in information should be at the back of their magic words book.

10:30-10:50am - Whole Class Google Meet: Writing

For this session your child will require: -

Writing Pencil

Something to write on (Scrap book, Note pad, Paper)

10:50-11:10am - Small group reading: Students in this group will be asked to remain after the meet.

Task 4: Writing


Watch the video about whales, take note of interesting facts that you would love to write down to share with people in your family.

Today you are to write an information report about whales. Make sure to include everything in the information report checklist in your writing.

Information report checklist

  • Heading at the top of your writing.

  • sub headings about what you chose to write about. (eg what whales look like?, what whales eat? and where do whales live?

  • Make sure your only writing facts that are real.

Please write on dotted third paper if possible. ( Template on the side, print as many as you need)

Challenge: If you would like to challenge yourself you might what to include another sub heading interesting facts and write some interesting facts about whales that you remember or already know.

Writer's checklist

(students are encouraged to pick 1-2 things to focus on during a writing session)

  • I have used lower case letters.

  • I have sounded out my words.

  • I have used full stops at the end of my sentences.

  • I have used finger spaces in between my words.

  • I have tried my hardest.

dotted thirds template with cat.pdf

Task 5: Smart Spelling Focus sound 'Wh'

Focus sounds 'wh'

In Prep we have a spelling program known as Smart Spelling. Every week we will be providing words for the students to practice that will be around our focus sound of the week.

This week is 'Wh', students are read the words and write the words daily on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.

Smart Spelling week 1