
Thursday 26th August

Whole Class Google Meet - Reading 9am:

For this session your child will require: -

Writing Pencil

Coloured pencils

Something to write on (Scrap book, Note pad, Paper)

Task 1: Watch Ms. Johnson read the book then complete the match ups

Which Habitat?

Watch Ms. Johnson read 'Which Habitat?' .

Can you guess which animals live in each habitat?

Copy of Habitats read aloud.mp4

Habitat match up

What is a habitat? Why do animals need different habitats? Can fish live in the desert? Can horses live in the ocean? Why and why not? Read through these questions then complete the habitat match up sheets.

Copy of animal homes pg 2.pdf
Copy of animal homes pg 1.pdf

Task 2: Read a book (or 2!) on Active Learn

Active Learn

Active learn is an online platform that provides levelled books suited for the students, we would like you to read at least one book a day and this can be accessed on

Their log in information should be at the back of their magic words book.

Whole Class Google Meet - Reading 10:30 am:

For this session your child will require: -

Writing Pencil

Coloured pencils

Something to write on (Scrap book, Note pad, Paper)

Task 3: story writing


Generate a random idea using the story starter website.

Have a go at writing a story with a beginning g, middle and end

Writer's checklist

(students are encouraged to pick 1-2 things to focus on during a writing session)

  • I have used lower case letters.

  • I have sounded out my words.

  • I have used full stops at the end of my sentences.

  • I have used finger spaces in between my words.

  • I have tried my hardest.

If needed use the story map to help lay out the beginning, middle and end of the story. Your child can use this worksheet as visual guide to group their ideas (their writing), or they may like to use it to draw out their story first in the boxes then write.

Optional task: Typing Practise

Practise recognising letters and finding them on your keyboard through playing keyboard jump. To play this game you will require a laptop or computer.