Major Cities

Above: a photo of Liberia, Costa Rica

This is a map of San Jośe.

Costa Rica’s capital city is San Jośe. San Jośe is in the middle of country. The exact latitude and longitude of San Jośe is 10 North 84 West. The old capital was Cartago. Cartago was the capital from 1737 to 1823, then San Jośe became the capital city. San Jośe has over 335,000 people. Some famous landmarks in San Jośe are Morazan Park, Museum of Contemporary Art and Design, and National Bank.

Some other big cities in Costa Rica are Liberia, Puerto Limon, Heredia, and Desampara. Desampara and Heredia neighbor San Jose. Liberia has 30,000 people. Costa Rica has seven provinces. Provinces are like states.

This is a photo of National Bank.

This is a photo of San Jośe at night.

This map of Costa Rica has all the provinces marked in different colors.