
Costa Rica has many types of landforms, from canyons to volcanoes.

Costa Rica has two main mountain ranges: the Cordillera Volcanica and the Cordillera De Talamanca. There are also other mountain ranges, which is weird considering Costa Rica is about the size of West Virginia! By the way, the two mountain ranges are great places to visit. They are very colorful places with lots of wildlife. Costa Rica is a very complex place for being so small.

Costa Rica is also on tectonic plates called the Cocos and the Caribbean Plate. Picture yourself in a world where you have tremors often. Also they can have absolutely devastating earthquakes. There are a lot of volcanoes in Costa Rica, for example Irazu. It erupted while American President John F. Kennedy was visiting in 1963.

Costa Rica is a marvelous place to visit. It has wildlife, very nice people, wonderful cities, and GREAT scenery. On your next visit out of the country, go to Costa Rica!