DNA and its role in protein synthesis

Skill 1:  What does GMO stand for? Explain what it means.

Word decoding

What is a GMO?

GMO is an acronym, standing for 'genetically modified organism.'  Use word decoding to figure out what it means to genetically modify an organism.

What have you heard about GMO's?  

It's likely you've heard some controversy about whether GMO foods are good for us.  Some people systematically avoid them, assuming they are unsafe because people messed with the genes of the organism.  You certainly may choose to avoid them to be 'better safe than sorry,' but just because some person changed the genes of a plant, doesn't automatically make it bad for you.  The jury is still out until more studies have been completed.

In agriculture, scientists genetically modify organisms to yield more food, to fend off insects, or be more drought resistant.

Genetically modified chickens

An organism, plant or animal, is genetically modified if a scientist adds, removes, or substitutes part of the genetic code for the organism.  Once this is done, the organism will pass the new genetic code down to its offspring.  Genes from different organisms can even be combined.

Genetically modified chickens are much larger at a certain age now, than their non-genetically modified counterparts.  The advantage is more meat, but at what cost?  If a chicken cannot stand up because its little legs are too small to hold its enormous muscle mass, is that okay?  This is the basis for 'bioethics,' the determination of what is acceptable by a society in regards to living things.

Before you think that genetically modifying organisms is all bad, consider this.   If you know people with diabetes who are insulin dependent, or takes shots to control their blood sugar, they need genetic engineering to live.  Bacteria have been genetically modified to produce human insulin for those who need it.

Click here to watch a short video about type I diabetes.

Vocabulary Detective

Write down initial definitions for the words below in your packet, using only the clues on the webpage.

Use word decoding to figure out what a "genetically modified organism" is.  Remember, you can't use any of those words in the definition.

The shape of DNA is a ______ - ______.

There are four building blocks, or monomers, of DNA.  

The yellow thing is "helicase."  Remember that "biological catalysts" usually end in 'ase.'  What is helicase doing to the DNA strand?

The gray blob is "DNA polymerase."  It is adding nucleotides (A-T C-G) to the strand of DNA, so that it is double-stranded.  We could say that DNA polymerase 'synthesizes' DNA.

The building blocks of DNA are called "nucleotides."  There are four and their names start with 'A' 'T' 'C' or 'G.'

This is a "semi"-circle.  What does "semi" mean?

This photocopier is "replicating" the paper on the left.

I have "conserved" my money, therefore I have more in August than I had in June.

There are three "codons" in this diagram.  You can see the first two, but only part of the third one.  How can you tell that you are only seeing part of the third one?  What is a codon?

DNA contains the original instructions in our cells.  What does mRNA (messenger RNA) contain?

The orange sphere is an amino acid.  The yellow, green, and orange cylinders made up an "anti-codon."  This whole thing is a tRNA (transfer RNA).

A ribosome is an organelle, or cell part.  It is made up of rRNA (ribosomal RNA) and proteins.  It is actually responsible for protein synthesis.  What is protein synthesis? Note - this organelle is found in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes.  The rest of the organelles are only found in eukaryotic cells.

Vocabulary Quiz - study your definitions.  Take this vocabulary quiz as many times as you need to in order to get 12/12 correct.  Screenshot your vocabulary quiz score to show me during your small group instruction on DNA replication.  Be sure your screenshot includes your name, your score, and the title of the quiz.

Extra copy of unit packet for this learning target below.

Unit plan - protein synthesis