Science Inquiry

Inquiry lab - student materials - characteristics of living things

Lab setup for inquiry lab - characteristics of living things

Lab results

Science Inquiry grading rubric

Expand to full screen to see additional information

APA Citation Sheet Jan 2018.pdf

When you have completed the inquiry activity, fill out the Google Form below.

After you complete this form, you may participate in an optional inquiry discussion during Viking Time on a Thursday in 207. People have found these discussions very helpful in increasing their understanding so they can work on their revisions. If your Google Form answers are very similar to another person's or it is obvious to me that you just didn't try, I reserve the right to deny an opportunity for revisions.

See calendar on the main page to find the next scheduled discussion.

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Science Inquiry Revisions

Once you have submitted your science inquiry answers on the Google Form above, you may attend a lab discussion during Viking Time on a Thursday. You do not have to wait for me to review your submission before attending a lab discussion. Be aware that all work for marking period one is due on Friday, October 25th, even if you choose to attend the last lab discussion on the 24th. I have offered lab discussions for the last six weeks of the quarter.

To submit science inquiry revisions:

1. Submit your answers on the Google Form above.

2. Attend a lab discussion on a Thursday during Viking Time.

3. Make a copy of the document below and rename it appropriately.

4. Type your final answers on this document, including your original sources in APA format, plus any new ones you might have.

5. Double check that you have followed all of the directions above and then submit on Google Classroom.

*Please understand that your final grade will only be based on the document below. Include all information that you want me to consider. I will not consider your original answers.

Science Inquiry Revisions

Science Inquiry Enrichment

If you plan to carry out one of your extension experiments for enrichment points, please complete the appropriate parts of the Doc below and get my approval before you start your experiment.

Design your own experiment