Skill 2 - Photosynthesis

Thinking question:  Why don't plants pee?!

Skill 2: Explain how plants capture light energy from the sun and store it in the bonds of glucose.  Are they storing or releasing energy?  Are they making or breaking down glucose?

Photosynthesis video

In science, it is important for researchers to share their results so that others can continue their work and build on their findings. Joseph Priestley and Jan Ingenhousz both worked to discover the connection between plants and air.  What did they discover between them about the connection between plants and air?

Click the image above to watch the video about Priestley and Ingenhousz's discoveries.  (Scroll down until you see the video.)

Use word decoding to break down the word, "photosynthesis" into three parts.

Photo =

synth =

esis = 

Put it all together and write a "TTFG"* definition of photosynthesis - 

*TTFG = tell it to a fifth grader.  That means that a fifth grader should be able to understand your definition.

Something is missing.  What is made during photosynthesis?  (Hint - it's a type of sugar that starts with 'g.')

What is the main source of energy for earth?

Which organisms capture and store the energy?

How do other organisms get that stored energy?

Can you think of any ecosystem on earth that cannot rely on the sun as its energy source?

Use word decoding to break down the phrase, "energy rich organic molecules."   This is a phrase they like to use on the SOL test.

TTFG: Energy rich organic molecules - 

Reactants - chemicals you start with, before a change takes place

such as hydrogen and oxygen


This is where the reaction is actually happening.

Products - chemicals you end with, after a change takes place

such as water

Name the reactants, products, and byproducts in the "reaction" above.

A byproduct is basically a leftover part.

Name the three things a plant needs to make its own food.  Plants DO NOT need oxygen for photosynthesis.

Name the main product of photosynthesis.  This is the purpose of plants performing the process.  Plants also put off a gas that animals need to it.

 Equation for photosynthesis        

Energy (sunlight) + Carbon Dioxide + Water

Glucose + Oxygen

Inside a Chloroplast

On the SOL test, they are likely to mention "thylakoids" or "thylakoid membranes."  You must remember that these are the part of a chloroplast that contains the chlorophyll (green pigment) which collects the energy from sunlight used in photosynthesis.

This chloroplast diagram is your BFFN (Best Friend For Now)...

BFF with labels.pdf

Diagram labels

Be sure that you can fill out all of the labels from memory and understand how the two parts of photosynthesis work together to create glucose.  The two parts are the LDR (Light Dependent Reactions) which "charge the batteries" to power the Calvin Cycle which creates the glucose.