Skills 6-10

Skill 6: Identify the kingdom based on cellular structures.

Prokaryotes - defining characteristics

PRO = NO!  Prokaryote = no nucleus

Prokaryotes are simple, single-celled organisms.  They DO NOT have a nucleus (pro=before; karyote=nucleus).  They DO NOT have membrane-bound organelles, but they do have ribosomes to make proteins.  Both bacteria and archaea are prokaryotes, without nuclei.  All prokaryotes have cell walls.  Some can make their own food, but others have to eat for energy.


What is the defining characteristic of eukaryotes?  (eu=true; karyote=nucleus)

Eukaryotes are more complex cells which also have many other membrane-bound organelles. Some of these organelles include vacuoles, Golgi, endoplasmic reticulum, and mitochondria, which prokaryotes do not have.  Eukaryotes do have ribosomes, just like prokaryotes.  They are the tiny dots in the diagrams above and they produce proteins which all cells need.

What are the four kingdoms of eukaryotes?  (Use the tree below.)

Taxonomy is an ongoing branch of science which changes almost daily.  Although there is no unanimous agreement among taxonomists, the tree above reflects the generally accepted understanding we have today about the relationships between living things.  Which two domains are most closely related?

Plants - defining characteristics  

Plants make their own food using chloroplasts and sunlight in the process called photosynthesis.  This means they are autotrophs, or producers.  They are multi-cellular.  They have roots, stems, and leaves.  They have cell walls made of cellulose, like cardboard or paper.  This allows plants to have the strength to grow tall and stay upright.  Paper and cardboard are made from the cellulose in plant cell walls.

Animals - defining characteristics  

Animals must eat food for energy.  This means they are heterotrophs, or consumers.  They have no chloroplasts, so they cannot make their own food.  They are multicellular.  They DO NOT have cell walls, that's why they are flexible.  Remember that humans are animals.

Fungi - defining characteristics

Fungi absorb dead organic matter for energy and in the process they decompose it.  This means they are heterotrophs, or consumers.  Most, but not all, of them are multicellular.  Mushrooms are multicellular, but yeast is a single-celled fungus used to make bread and beer.  They have cell walls made of chitin (pronounced kite-in).  

Protists - defining characteristics

If an organism has a nucleus (eukaryote), but is not an animal, plant, or fungi, it is a protist.  Not a lot of characteristics apply to all protists.  They can be single-celled or multicellular.  Some have a cell wall, but some do not.  Some can make their own food, like algae, but others have to eat for energy.  As scientists continue to learn more about the diverse organisms in this group, they will continue to make changes to their classifications.  Some examples are amoeba, euglena, a paramecium, and algae.  Believe it or not, algae is not a plant; it's a protist!

Choose the correct answer.  For each incorrect answer, prove that it is wrong.

What structure is common in all six kingdoms of organisms?

Select one:

a. Cell wall

b. DNA

c. Mitochondria

d. Nucleus

Skill 7: What is the difference between homologous and analogous structures?

Homologous = same structures, but different functions.

Let's decode the term 'homologous structures.'

'Homo' means same

'log' means word

'structure,' in this case, means a part of the body

If we put it all together, you have body parts that all have the same names.  Notice that the human, cat, whale, and bat all have a bone called the humerus.  They are all  a little different, but it shows that all of those animals had a common ancestor.  Homologous structures are the same structures, but have different functions.  Humans manipulate things with their hands, cats walk on their feet, whales use their flippers to swim, and bats use their wings to fly.  

Analogous = same functions, but different structures.

Analogous structures are the exact opposite.

'Ana' = away from (or not)

'Log' = word

They have the same function (or job), but different structures.

For instance, the function (job) of butterfly wings and bat wings are the same.  They help the organism fly.  They have completely different structures, though.  Bat wings are more similar to the human arm or whale flipper with bones and skin.  Butterfly wings are made of scales and chitin, like the cell wall of mushrooms.

Skill 8:  I can interpret a cladogram.

A cladogram is a diagram which shows certain derived characteristics.  A derived characteristic is something which some organisms have, but others do not.  Every organism to the right of the characteristic on the cladogram has it, but every organism to the left does not have that characteristic.

With your team, answer the following questions:

1.  List every organism on the chart which has four limbs.

2.  Which organism does NOT have a bony skeleton?

3.  What has four limbs, but does not have an amniotic egg?

4.  What has an amniotic egg and hair?

With your team, come up with some derived characteristics that match this chart.  For example, 'B' could be 'has legs' since the organism to the left does not have legs and everything to the right does have legs.  See how many you can find traits for.

Skill 9: I can use a dichotomous key.

 A dichotomous keys gives the user two options in describing an organism.  

Di = two and chot = choices. Eventually, it will lead you to identify that organism. Try to identify several of the aliens.

Identify at least two leaves, using the dichotomous key.

Skill 10:  How does embryology help scientists find patterns of evolution?

Embryology is the study of gametes, fertilization, and the development of embryos.

Embryos often appear similar to each other in early stages.  They share homologous structures due to their shared common ancestor.  

Some structures are present in early embryo formation, but disappear later, like the presence of gills and tails on humans before birth.  Species that are more similar during embryo development shared a more recent common ancestor.

The information in the table supports which conclusion?

Select one:

a. Sea anemones and monkeys are adapted to similar environments.

b. Frogs, monkeys, and sea anemones are classified into different kingdoms.

c. Frogs are more closely related to monkeys than to sea anemones.

d. Sea anemones are more complex than frogs or monkeys.

These feet belong to different birds. Two of the birds spend most of their time on the ground, while one bird rarely walks on the ground. Which foot belongs to the bird that is best adapted for grasping branches?

Which animal develops in a cycle most similar to the one shown for the fly?

Select one:

a. A grasshopper

b. A bird

c. A moth

d. A hydra

One gene on a chromosome codes for one protein, which is a chain of amino acids.  Since genes are passed down from one generation to the next, you can determine how closely related organisms are by comparing the amino acid sequences of their proteins.  The more differences in the order of amino acids, the longer it has been since they shared a common ancestor.  

Which two organisms are most closely related, based on the order of amino acids in their hemoglobin?