Hands-on potato lab

Button down challenge

(class activity)

Read this carefully!

You will complete the hands-on potato lab if you are in class the day of the lab. The hands-on lab will need to be completed in 207, either during class or any other time that you arrange with me. (The online virtual lactase lab can be completed from any computer with internet. This is only for people who are absent the day of the lab in class.) Whichever lab you compete must be brought to the next class when you take the quiz.

Hands-on Lab: An Investigation of the Enzyme Catalase

Pick up a copy of, "An Investigation of the Enzyme Catalase." Maximum group size for this lab is 3. Each person completes his own lab. The only identical part will be the data table. All other work is individual.

Read all of the directions carefully and assemble the supplies you need before you start.

Always write labs in pencil.

After you clean up, have your lab station inspected and your lab initialed that you cleaned up well.

Below is a copy of the hands-on lab so you can decide which lab you want to complete. Ask me for a paper copy if you choose this lab.

Lab - potato enzyme catalase