6 most important elements

Skill 1: I know the six most important elements for living things.

Do this! Write down the six most common elements found in living things by using the hints below.

Water is important. What is water made out of? ________________ & ____________

What is a really important gas to plants? ____________________________________

It is made out of ________________________ and _______________________.

What do the 'N' and 'P' stand for in common NPK lawn fertilizers? These are essential for the formation of DNA. ________________ & _________________

Which element makes it really stinky around hot springs and volcanoes? It kind of smells like rotten eggs. This is found in some amino acids which are the building blocks of proteins. ____________

If a T-rex finds you, he ‘CHONPS’ you and eats you for dinner. Remember this mnemonic to remember the elements carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur. You will be tested on the 6 most important elements of living things multiple times this year. Go ahead and memorize them.