Who am I?

Mrs. Baker

Something unique about me

My previous career was an equine nurse. I worked at the Marion DuPont Scott Equine Medical Center in Leesburg, where I was part of the nursing staff.

Strengths and talents

I volunteer to build houses with Habitat for Humanity.

I don't give up on people.


Choose the statement below that seems the most like your level of motivation.

(This has nothing to do with the grade you expect to receive in this class.)

*5 - Stay out of my way, I'm trying to learn something!

4 - I will do everything you ask of me and give it a good effort.

3 - I'll do it, but only if it's graded.

2 - I'll struggle to learn, if you're not looking over my shoulder constantly.

1 - Let's go ahead and schedule that parent conference!

Mrs. Baker's goals

Goal #1: I would like to spend less hours at work and more with my family.

a. I will leave school by 5:00 p.m. most days.

b. I will find a quiet place to work during my planning period so I can finish my work at school.

c. I will exercise before school to help me focus during the day.

Goal #2: I hope that all my students will earn a 'C' or better and pass the SOL test.

a. Students can keep revising work until they are happy with their grades.

b. I am available before and after school every Thursdays if students want extra help.

c. If you are willing to work for your grade, I will help you earn the grade you want.

In the future...

In five years, I see myself...spending more time hiking and camping with my husband and my buddy, Sage (pictured to the right.)

In ten to twenty years, I see myself...still happily teaching, but after work, I will pick up my grandchildren to spend some time with them.

Strong suits

Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences posits that we have varying degrees of intelligence in each of the eight categories to the left. You probably already know that you are better at some than others. Click the link below to take the survey and see which intelligence categories you are best at.

My survey results are above and I feel that they pretty accurately reflect my abilities. I am pretty introspective and my connection with nature is high. My bodily-kinesthetic score is pretty low. Try counting how many times you see me trip or crash into a table this year! Mrs. B

One thing I wish my students knew about me is...

I have high expectations of myself and my students. I don't accept less than your best because you don't show growth unless you push yourself close to your limits. You will never be successful in life by taking the easiest path, but if you are determined and hard working, I promise that you will be successful in this class. I will work as hard as you do to help you reach your goals. So what's it going to be...do you want to be successful despite the challenges, or do you want to have a good excuse to fail?

Just read this section

Ask the best mechanic you know about his/her intelligence in each of these categories. The answer is likely to be high in spatial and bodily-kinesthetic, but might be lower in intrapersonal and linguistic. Knowing what your strengths are allows you to pick a method of learning, and eventually a career, that you will be good at and satisfied with. This is what people mean when they say to, "play to your strengths." You will be best at the activities that use your strengths. The mechanic may not get a doctorate degree, but the person with a doctorate degree may not even know how to change a flat tire. "School smarts" are not the only kind of smarts.