Cell respiration and fermentation 'skit'

You will learn a lot more if you initially try to answer these questions on your own. I suggest that you read the questions, watch the video straight through, and then watch it again while you answer the questions. You will probably have to pause the video and rewatch portions several times, but you need a complete understanding to create your "skit." The textbook is also a good resource.

After you have your answers, it's a good idea to discuss them with others to compare your understanding. Once your team has discussed the questions, ask me to sit down with your group and check for understanding.

As you watch the video on cellular respiration, answer these questions.

1. Which kind of energy is available to cells to use "right now?" It's a "charged battery."

2. Do all organisms need ATP energy?

3. Which organisms use cellular respiration, prokaryotes or eukaryotes? What is the difference between them?

4. What is the relationship between photosynthesis and cell respiration? What is your proof?

5. Do plants have to use respiration to break down glucose and convert it into ATP?

6. When glycolysis takes place, what is glucose converted into?

7. Does glycolysis happen in the cytoplasm or inside the mitochondrion?

8. Where do the Krebs Cycle and the Electron Transport Chain occur?

9. Word decode "ATP synthase."

10. Is oxygen required for glycolysis or respiration?

11. Approximately how many ATP can be produced when one glucose molecule goes through cell respiration?

12. If oxygen is not available, the cell can't perform aerobic respiration. Remember that 'aerobic' refers to oxygen. What is the anaerobic process to release energy?

Thinking question: Since only eukaryotes use cell respiration, which organelle would not be found in prokaryotic cells?

As you watch the video on fermentation, answer these questions.

1. Which kind of energy is available to cells to use "right now?" It's a "charged battery."

2. Which kinds of organisms can release energy without oxygen, or anaerobically?

3. Which process is the first step in fermentation, as well as cell respiration?

4. Which part of this process actually produces the ATP, glycolysis or fermentation?

5. What is the function of fermentation?

6. What are the two types of fermentation?

7. Which process produces more ATP molecules per glucose molecule, cell respiration or fermentation?

Creative project

You may work alone or in a group of up to 3 people. If your group has 4 or more people, you must divide into groups of 3 or less. Choose a format below to present your lesson on the similarities and differences between cell respiration and fermentation.

1. Teaching video

2. Comedy skit

3. Animation

4. Science fiction

5. Song or rap

6. Comic strip (2 people maximum)

7. Come up with your own idea and get it approved ahead of time.

Keep track of any resources you use. You will need to include a references slide in your video using APA formatting. Use the grading rubric below when designing your creation and to self-grade before submitting.

Respiration and fermentation "skit" paper grading rubric

Create your references in APA format. Be sure to include a hotlink for the URL so that I can click on it and be taken to your article. Click here to go to the library's resources for APA formatting of references.

Bonus Question: Why don't plants pee, anyway?

Think through your response thoroughly ahead of time. This is an individual response and I don't even want you to discuss it with others. If you can give me a good explanation, you will earn some bonus points. It can be written or verbal.