

Due 22-5

Complete School Schedule Writing Practice

Due 21-5

1. Finish making a review schedule in your review packet

2. Complete section 1 writing review worksheet

Due 20-5

1. Find your mid-term

2. Gather all your skills sheets (there should be 11- print the ones you dont have)

3. Begin practicing vocabulary

Demo page


Usernames and Passwords

Due Monday 13-5

Complete the reading and worksheet handed out in class.

Due Tuesday 7-5

Hijab Fashion Blog

Abaya styles

Ghitra styles

Due Monday 6-5

Review: Colors

Practice: Clothes

Due Friday 3-5

Review the colors. Make sure you know at least 8

Due Wednesday 1-5

Colors song

Due Tuesday 30-4

Skills Sheet Wk. 3 Q4

Due Friday 26-4

Speaking Practice

Due Wednesday 24-4

AAPPL reading prep- review vocabulary from the year

Due Tuesday 23-4

AAPPL Demo of listening and speaking Demo page

Due Monday 22-4

Conjugations fill in worksheet

Due Thursday 18-4

Translation Worksheet

Due Wednesday 17-4

Conjugation worksheet

Due Tuesday 9-4

1. Reading or Listening Practice

Listening practice

Reading distributed in class

2. Review weather vocabulary

Due Monday 8-4

Reading distributed in class (highlight words you know)

Due Friday 5-4

Use the weather website: look for words you know and discover 5 new words from context on this website

Due Wednesday 3-4

Listening practice

Due Tuesday 2-4


Due Monday 18-3

Describing house (big, small, close, far)

Due Friday 15-3

What's in your neighborhood?

Write 3 sentences about your neighborhood or the neighborhood of the school. List the places in the area.

Due Wednesday 13-3

Reading signs worksheet

Due Tuesday 12-3

Connecting worksheet

Places 2

Due Monday 11-3

Mr. President - el general

Also: begin reviewing new vocabulary https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Er-QuOWGXI8

Wednesday - PSAT SAT no new Assignment

Due Tuesday 5-3

Places Vocab Worksheet

Due Monday 4-3

Review new vocabulary for use in class Monday


Due 1-3

Complete the skills sheet. Add to your journal if you'd like to write more about Amreeka

Due 27-2

Skills sheet week 5

Due 26-2

Amreeka Discussion Questions due in class

Feb 19-Feb 22 Porcelli Will be Traveling to Israel/Palestine and Turkey

--> In class you will watch Amreeka (on amazon) and Wadjda (on amazon)

You are responsible for completing the discussion questions for each

Amreeka Discussion

Wadjda Discussion

Due Wednesday 13/2

How do you prepare for school in the morning? Write 4 sentences and include times.

Due Tuesday 12/2

Add detail to your sentences from the weekend. Add times or people or new verbs to describe your schedule

Due Monday 11/2

Whats your schedule in the morning before school? Use the vocabulary from this week to write 4 sentences

Due Friday 8/2

Translate the "obstacle course" worksheet.

Due Wednesday 6/2

a. Finish the vocabulary sheet if you did not finish in class

b. Write 5 sentences using the verbs- They can be basic "I sit in on the chair" or advanced "In class I sit in a chair in front next to ____"

Due Tuesday 5/2

Skills sheet (posted on the Arabic 1 main- page if you lost it)

Due Monday 4/2

Midterm Corrections- Correct your spelling and any other mistakes you have. Do not correct the Dictations sections

Due Friday 1/2

Write (in Arabic) where you sit in 3 classes.

Due Wednesday 30/1

5 sentences in Arabic about objects and their place in the room

Due Tuesday 29/1

Practice Prepositions

Due Monday 28/1

Practice new vocabulary cards and bring them to class Monday

Due Friday 25/1

Quiz on classroom vocabulary

Due Wednesday 23/1

1. study the flashcard you made in class- bring the flashcards to class tomorrow

2. Journal entries due tomorrow

Due Tuesday 22/1

10 journal entries due on Tuesday

Due Wednesday 16/1

Study for Midterm

Due Monday 14/1

Write an introduction of a family member and about your school schedule

Due Friday 11/1

Second Midterm Review Worksheet

Due Wednesday 9/1

First Midterm Review worksheet

Due Tuesday 8/1

Work on 10 Journal writes due Jan 22

Due Monday 17/12

Paragraph introduction include


- Name

-Where you're from

-Where you study/ where you are a student


-Introduce a family member

Due Wednesday 12/12

Complete the introduction writing worksheet

Due Monday 10/12

Write 3 words you know in Arabic using the Arabic Alphabet

Due Wednesday 5/12

Quiz on Unit 4 tomorrow

Due Tuesday 4/12

1. Complete graded dictation

Dictation unit 4

2. Review for quiz: Watch

Unit 4 Hamza and Starting words with short vowels

Unit 4 د ذ ر ز

Due Monday 3/12

1. Watch the next video in the series

2. Review: Skills sheet

Due Friday 30/11

Watch the unit 4 video above OR if you have already watched it, watch the next tutorial video in the series

Due Tuesday 11/27

Review: (Quiz later this week)

Unit 3 video

Sukoon and Dipthongs (unit 3 part 2)

In class Friday

Unit 4 Hamza and Starting words with short vowels

Unit 4 د ذ ر ز

Quiz 1

Due Friday 16/11

HW for Unit 3

Due Tuesday 13/11

Sukoon and Dipthongs (unit 3 part 2)

Due Monday 12/11

Week 1 review video

Unit 3 video

Due Wednesday 7/11

Re-watch alphabet videos as needed- Quiz on this material

Introduction to the Arabic Alphabet

Alphabet 2

Alphabet song

Alphabet 3

Due Tuesday 6/11

Alphabet 3

Due Monday 5/11

Listen to and practice: Alphabet song

This version is on repeat. You only need to listen to the first minute

Due Wednesday 31/10

1. Watch: Alphabet 2 (quiz on this material)

2. Reminder: Q1 journals due Wednesday

Due Tuesday 30/10

1. Watch: Introduction to the Arabic Alphabet (Quiz on this material)

2. Reminder: Q1 journals will be due on Wednesday (7 entries minimum)

Due Friday 26/10

Final video project due at the start of class Friday

Due Wednesday 24/10

Full draft due in class tomorrow

Extra vocabulary epsilon likes

Before and After: Epsilon B4 and After school

Due Tuesday 23/10

Revise your drafts

Record the family introduction section

Full draft due Wednesday

Due Monday 22/10

Partial draft of Video Project

Due Tuesday 16/10

Interviews tomorrow-

Here is a sample with questions and answers

Due Monday 15/10

Interview practice. Record yourself asking and answering the questions

Interview Assignment

Due Friday 12/10

Use the days of the week to make a recording. In this recording, say which classes you do not study each day. Skip Monday and Study Halls.

Example: On Tuesday, I do not study Math and History

Due Wednesday 10/10

Days of the week Song

or days said slowly

Due Tuesday 9/10

1. Complete the skills sheet and review any shaky skills using the youtube videos

2. Journal write: Single-sex education OR iceberg of culture OR countries of the Arab world

Due Friday 5/10

Recording due in class Say your schedule (3 classes and teachers)

Link from class on Wednesday: Boys and Girls in Jordan

Due Wednesday 3/10

Listen to I study

Record yourself saying 3 classes on your schedule

Due Tuesday 2/10

Review the "I study" vocabulary

Prepare to present your class schedule in class

Due Monday 1/10

Listen to I study

Record yourself saying the words

Due Friday 27/9

Choose one Arabic speaking country. Find information on that country- look up an interesting fact that relates to your personal interests.

Due Tuesday 25/9

Adjectives review Adjectives

Introducing others video Introducing others

Record yourself saying these words. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRTB2OCqpuk

Due Monday 24/9

1. Review how to introduce family and make a video introducing 1 male and 1 female

2. Finish skills sheet and review shaky

Due Friday 21-9

1. Review family make sure you have created a recording introducing 1 male and 1 female

2. Review the adjectives https://youtu.be/o-azCyLZLpk

Due Wednesday 19-9

1. Study family members vocabulary with the song

2. Watch:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NgwRxFfVrxM

Due Tuesday 18-9

1. Practice vocab: Family Members Song

2. Journal Entry: What do you think of when you hear the word Arab. (List, pictures, descriptions, or adjectives all fine!)

Due Friday 14-9

(porcelli out) Which Islamic holiday was Tuesday? How do people celebrate?

Due Wednesday 12-9

Recording of an introduction (name, age, nationality, what you like)

Due Tuesday 11-9

In your Arabic Journal write a paragraph in response

"Why did you choose to study Arabic?" (be specific and thorough in your description and remember there is always more than one reason why we make choices)


"How do you think people learn languages" (be specific, describe the process, use examples, what do people need in order to learn a language, what is happening while people learn?)

Due Monday 10-9

Complete the skills reflection sheet.

Due Friday 7-9

Reflection on the article and movie-

Do you think every Arabic student in the US should see Fordson? Why/ Why not?

Do you think the situation in the US as depicted in the movie has changed since 2009?

Due Friday 31-8

Porcelli absent for his wedding!:

  • 1. Practice writing your name Right to Left- you will have a short quiz on your name next week.
  • 2. Please get a journal that will be specifically for Arabic. The journal can be any size or shape but should have at least 30 pages. Bring it to class next week

Due Wednesday 29-8

Record yourself reciting the numbers 1-10 in Arabic.

You may use the song below or other youtube vidoes or other students to practice

Numbers Song

Due Tuesday 28-8

Discover how to write your name in Arabic letters. Use other Arabic students, Mr. Hamd, Mr. Mewafy, or Google. You only need to know how to recognize your name. You DO NOT need to know how to write it (yet)

Due Monday 27-8

Teach someone who does not know Arabic how to introduce himself/ herself. Take a video and bring the video to class.

Due Friday 24-8

Read the syllabus carefully and have the 2 pages at the back signed by a parent/ guardian

  • Journal writes Q2 (suggestions)
  • 1. What is exciting/ challenging about writing the Arabic alphabet?
  • 2. What are your goals for Q2?
  • 3. Where/ when have you seen the Arabic alphabet in public?
  • 4. Do you like practicing the alphabet independently? Why or why not?
  • 5. Look up Arabic calligraphy online. Write a journal entry about calligraphy
  • 6. What has been your experience as you have learned to write in Arabic? What about it is easy, hard, fun, exciting, frustrating etc
  • 7. What are your goals for the second semester? (Be specific, what topics do you hope to study, what skills do you hope to develop?)
  • 8. What worked well for you in S1 what would you like to change for S2?

Journal writes Q3 (Suggestions)

1. What do you hope to learn how to say in Arabic in S2? Make a list of vocabulary or expressions you hope to learn.

2. How is learning vocabulary different in Q3 now that you know how to write and read? Is it easier/ harder? Why?

3. What are your reactions to your midterm grade? What did you do to be successful? What would you do differently if you could do it again? How will you prepare for your Final Exam @ the end of May?

4. Discussion questions from Amreeka (count as one entry)

5. Extra discussion questions from the film Amreeka (each question is one entry)

6. What helps people overcome prejudice? (reference the film)

7. Do you think the lottery system of legal immigration is good? Why/ Why not? What would you suggest instead? Why?

8. Investigate the relationship between Israel and Palestine- what questions do you have? What major factors/ events have led to the conflict?

9. What did you learn about Arab culture from Amreeka? What did you learn about American culture?

10. React to the story of Mohammed Bou Azizi. Do you think he was justified in his actions? What questions do you have about the Arab spring?