Arabic II


Assignment 1: have a rough draft/notes ready to bring to class to help guide your video projects. Bring these notes/rough drafts to class on Tuesday.


Assignment 2, due Friday, 5/3

Complete the substitute work, and have a rough draft written of what you'd like to include in your video project on WLPCS.

Assignment 1, write a reflection following the AAPPL exam. Answer each question below:

--> describe how you feel finishing the exam. Be creative in your description, use analogies/metaphors/compare your feelings to a color/etc.

--> describe what was most challenging/when you reached your limit, how did you press forward, how did you face or handle these challenges, how did you handle reaching your limit?

--> describe a moment of success

--> how is the AAPPL like everyday life? Think of being in another country, feeling lost, working through difficulties to come to an understanding.


1) read and annotate the sample AAPPL questions passed out in class to prepare for the AAPPL

2) take a demo (experiment with different sections of the exam) found here

We will be taking the AAPPL this week, so I will not be assigning homework.


Listening Assignment 1.

Listening assignment 2

Listening assignment 3

Due Thursday, 4/12, Friday, 4/13 for Alpha and Gamma

Choose 5 of the words from the second page of the packet to infer from context. Make a list of possible definitions for each word.

Due Wednesday, 4/10, Thursday, 4/11 for Alpha and Gamma

Put the events of the story in order.

Due Tuesday, 4/9, Wednesday, 4/10 for Alpha

Describe 5 actions in the film The Present, linked here.

Due Monday, 4/8

Send me a voice recording of you reading your stanza and chorus aloud from the song, Zina, posted here.

Due Tuesday, 4/2, Wednesday, 4/3 for Alpa

Choose 3-5 pictures from your spring break and describe them in Arabic.

Due Thursday, 3/21, Friday, 3/22 for Alpha and Gamma

Read the last two pages of the menu, and look for words/dishes you know. Try to infer dishes you don't know, or write down questions you have about that dish!

In addition, write down your full order (one drink, one main dish, one-two apps, one dessert). Also, write down the cost of your order in LL (Lebanese Lira) and $ (L.L. 1,500 = $1).

Due Wednesday, 3/20, Thursday, 3/21 for Alpha and Gamma

Read through the handwritten section of the menu, looking for the following words: سمك، اصفر، رز، مشوي، لحمة، دجاج، زيت، تبولة، ورق عنب، مقلي

Definitions for words above: مشوي- grilled, مقلي- fried, ورق عنب- grape leaves، رز- rice. The rest are familiar to you.

--> in addition, continue to practice the full scenario.

Due Tuesday, 3/19, Wednesday, 3/20 for Alpha

Use the recording posted here to help you master the 'Restaurant Scenario.' You will present these scenarios during our double periods this week! In addition, read through the menus handed out in class, and read through the titles/subtitles/different dishes to help you understand the menu. For the handwritten portions of the menu, only look for individual words/letters that are familiar to you, and get a sense of Arabic handwriting.

Due Wednesday, 3/13, Thursday, 3/14 for Alpha and Gamma

Read the complete scenario passed out in class, and be comfortable reading and pronouncing the first section of the scenario.

Due Tuesday, 3/12, Wednesday, 3/13 for Alpha

Alpha: write your own questions on the back of the timed drill sheets.

Beta and Gamma: prepare to present your own scenarios for tomorrow.

Due Monday, 3/11

Beta and Gamma: choose 5 of the questions from the timed drill to answer in writing, and write your own questions on the back of the timed drill sheet.

Alpha: read and annotate the timed drill questions.

Due Friday, 3/8

Choose 6 questions to answer from the timed drill, and answer them in writing.

Due Thursday, 3/7, Friday, 3/8 for Alpha

Gamma: read and annotate the timed drill sheet passed out in class.

Alpha and Beta: complete page four of the packet.

Due Tuesday, 3/5 (Thursday for Alpha)

Complete part four of your Tabbouleh packets by circling each ingredient that you hear.

Due Monday, 3/4

Beta: send me a voice recording of your ad-lib! You will present them to the group on Monday.

Gamma and Alpha: complete the front page of the Tabbouleh packet, (listing each ingredient name in English/Arabic, sorting each ingredient), and the video is posted here. Use the vocabulary below to help you sort each word:

حبوب- grain

زيت- oil

بهار- spice

Due Thursday, 2/28, Friday, 3/1

Complete the ad-lib handed out in class.

Due Wednesday, 2/27, Thursday, 2/28 for Gamma and Alpha

Prepare for a vocabulary quiz on the fruits and vegetables.

Due Tuesday, 2/26

Review fruits and vegetables vocabulary.

Due Friday, 2/22

Gamma: be ready to present information on the paragraph you read in class.

Alpha: send me a photo of Ramadan in the Middle East that you believe shows a cultural product, practice, or perspective. We will use these photos in class to describe and discuss.

Due Wednesday, 2/20, Thursday, 2/21 for Alpha and Gamma

Re-read the paragraph assigned to you, and read for words/phrases that you can infer based on the context of the paragraph. Write 1-2 sentences near the paragraph detailing what you understood from the paragraph.

Due Tuesday, 2/19, Wednesday, 2/20 for Alpha

Read and annotate the article on how to fast healthily. Annotate for words you know only.

Due Thursday, 2/14, Friday, 2/15

Beta: prepare for Porcelli's visit to our class by reviewing your questions as well as vocabulary for describe Ramadan.

Gamma/Alpha: complete your reflection from Mr. Porcelli's visit.

Due Wednesday, 2/13, Thursday, 2/14 for Alpha and Gamma

Complete your paragraphs writing about what you'd like to ask Mr. Porcelli. In addition, email me (in Arabic) 1-3 questions you'd like me to send along to Mr. Porcelli so he can organize his presentation on Ramadan.

Due Tuesday, 2/12, Wednesday, 2/13 for Alpha

Write questions to ask Mr. Porcelli, and review vocabulary for a timed vocabulary drill.

--> read and annotate the text of the intensive listening activity handed out in class, and compare what you wrote to the answer key.

Due Monday, 2/11

Alpha: complete the intensive listening assignment (loop 1 and loop 2) from class.

--> if already completed, determine the meaning of the segments by focusing on the new words from the segment. In addition, think about questions you'd like to ask Mr. Porcelli on Ramadan

Beta: same as above, however write questions for Mr. Porcelli in Arabic if you've already completed the answer key annotations / determining the meaning of new vocabulary from context

Gamma: use the answer key to annotate and understand the segments from the intensive listening. Then, correct any mistakes from your listening sheets.

Due Thursday, 2/7, Friday, 2/8 for Alpha and Gamma

Beta: complete the intensive listening assignments (1&2) from class.

Alpha: complete the intensive listening assignments (1&2) from class.

--> If you have yet to finish your summaries of part 2/3, continue these summaries for tomorrow!

Gamma: share with me a picture of Ramadan that you think shows a product, practice, or perspective (could show multiple) of the Islamic world. In addition, write why you chose the picture, a description of the picture, and what you think the picture shows (circomlocute to show a product, practice, or perspective of the Islamic world). Vocabulary to help you complete this assignment is below:

انا اختارت: I chose

هذه الصورة: this picture

لانّها: because it

عندها: has

شكلها: its look/appearance

تظهر: it shows

الاهمية:( the importance (of

Due Wednesday, 2/6, Thursday, 2/7 for Alpha and Gamma

Beta: complete the written description of your pictures from class.

Gamma: complete the intensive listening activities (1&2) for class.

Alpha: complete the listening portion of segment 3. Written accounts will be done in class.

Due Tuesday, 2/5, Wednesday, 2/6 for Alpha

Beta and Gamma: come into class with 1-3 pictures of food, decorations, or scenes of a city/place during Ramadan. Google search these images in Arabic to help you search and type in information in Arabic.

Alpha: complete the listening portion of segment 2. We will complete the writing in class.

Videos to help you follow along for parts 1, 2, and 3, are posted here, here, and here.

Due Monday, 2/4

Alpha: complete segment 1, and continue practicing the vocabulary for segment 1. The video is posted here. A list of transition words can be found below:

اولاً - first

بعدين - afterwards

اخيراً - finally

ايضاً - also

هو تكلم عن - he talked about

هو قال انّ - he said that

هو شرح انّ - he explained about

هو ذكر انّ - he mentioned that

Beta and Gamma: complete the listening and explanation in writing of segment 3. The video is posted here.

Due Thursday, 1/31, Friday, for Alpha and Gamma

Listen to part three and practice the vocabulary before listening to the segment.

Due Wednesday, 1/30, Thursday, 1/31 for Alpha and Gamma

Practice the vocabulary for part two, then listen to and check mark each vocabulary word you hear while listening to part two.

Due Tuesday, 1/29, Wednesday, 1/30 for Alpha

Gamma: add to your written paragraphs on segment 1, and add in the missing details using the vocabulary sheet handed out in class.

Alpha and Beta: listen to part 1 of the lecture posted here, and write about what you understood from the lecture.

Due Monday, 1/28

Gamma: listen to the lecture below. Listen to all of it, then focus on the first two minutes. Write about what you understood from the first 2 minutes of the lecture.

Alpha and Beta: answer questions 1-3 in writing.

Due Thursday, 1/24, Friday, 1/25 for Alpha and Gamma

Read and annotate the front page of the handout on Ramadan. Determine what the questions mean, and verbally answer them for yourself.

Gamma: answer questions 1-3 in writing on another sheet of paper (one that can be collected), and pre-listen to the lecture on Ramadan and the changes (both societal, interpersonal, and cultural) that occur during Ramadan in Egypt. The lecture, from Middlebury College is posted here.

Due Wednesday, 1/23, Thursday, 1/24 for Alpha and Gamma

1. Complete the English language reflection on semester 1.

--> In addition, complete the back side of the song (discussion questions) if you haven't already done so.

2. (Gamma only): review vocabulary from our brainstorm, and read and annotate the questions handed out in class. Come in to class ready to review vocabulary and to talk about the 3 questions on Ramadan and holidays in general.

Due Tuesday, 1/22, Wednesday, 1/23 for Alpha

Read and annotate the song lyrics, practice the chorus, and read along with the song for fluency practice. Try to imitate the pronunciation of each word, and focus on the cadence to help you with fluency. The song is found here!

Due Thursday, 1/17, Friday, 1/18 for Gamma and Alpha

Complete and send to me your final drafts of your video projects on Washington DC.

Due Wednesday, 1/16, Thursday, 1/17 for Gamma and Alpha

Alpha and Beta: write about one - two pictures from the handout. Identify the country and describe how the people in that country celebrate New Years.

Gamma: choose 5 new vocabulary words from the packet and make flash cards to help you remember those new words.

Due Monday, 1/14

Read and annotate the reading on 7 customs and traditions in celebrating New Years around the world. Determine each country and how New Years is celebrated in that country. Read the reading three times and annotate by:

--> first reading for words you know

--> second reading for the proper nouns / names of each country

--> third, using the pictures, determine how each country celebrates New Years

Due Thursday, 1/10, Friday, 1/11 for Gamma and Alpha

Find a photograph or art piece online that you'd like to describe in Arabic, and verbally describe it in Arabic. Bring this photograph/painting to class on your phone or print it out, and we will use these in class.

Due Wednesday, 1/9, Thursday, 1/10 for Gamma and Alpha

Write which skill you've improved most in 2018 and why, then write about which skill you'd like to improve in 2019 and why.

--> challenge: write how you plan to improve in this skill!

Due Tuesday, 1/8, Wednesday, 1/9 for Alpha

Either: write what your partner did over break in 5 sentences, or choose one interesting event that occurred over your break and write and explain it in 7 sentences.

Due Monday, 12/17

Send your first rough draft of your recordings on DC and WLPCS. Use the rubric passed out in class for more information on the exact specifics of the assignment. You should include three new verbs, places, and adjectives to describe DC and WLPCS. Verbs were on the handout of the 10 cities reading, and the adjectives and places were handed out as packets.

Due Thursday, 12/13, Friday, 12/14 for Alpha and Gamma

Write a first rough draft of your video projects, and record that first rough draft for Monday.

Due Wednesday, 12/12, Thursday, 12/13 for Alpha and Gamma

Gamma: summarize the paragraph on Abu Dhabi using the directions below.

Beta and Alpha: summarize the paragraph on Mecca using the handout from class.

Due Tuesday, 12/11, Wednesday, 12/12 for Alpha

Summarize the paragraph on Dubai using the handouts in class.

Gamma: summarize the paragraph on Abu Dhabi using the directions below.

Due Monday, 12/10

1. Read and annotate the article for words you know (underline), words you can infer / that fall into place (circle), and words you need to know to understand a particular detail (box).

2. Read the article aloud to yourself for fluency practice. In addition, listen to the recording sent to you to help you read naturally and slightly quickly.

3. Pick one city of interest to you, and write a couple sentences on that paragraph by writing what the city has (looking for the landmarks in the paragraph, making a list of those landmarks) and saying why the city is beautiful (similar task as above, by you are consolidating more here). Use the forms below to help:

المدينة عندها... the city has

المدينة جميلة لان... the city is beautiful because

Due Friday, 12/7

Gamma: complete your annotations on the article on 1o Arab cities passed out in class, and use the voice memo emailed to you to help you read / listen for fluency. Reread the article for fluency, and read information on each city in English / look up pictures of each city. This will help you to increase your background knowledge of the Arab world.

Alpha: complete your written compositions on an Arab city of your choosing.

Due Wednesday, 12/5, Thursday, 12/6 for Alpha and Gamma

Gamma: complete your writing activities passed out in class, and bring them to class to hand in to the sub on Thursday.

Beta: choose one picture, and write questions using each question word below:

مين ؟ شو ؟ وين ؟ كيف/كم ؟ ليش ؟ امتى ؟

Due Tuesday, 12/4, Wednesday, 12/5 for Alpha

Answer questions 2 and 3 on the handout from class, and review your pictures from class. If you have not already done so, please share your documents with me as well!

Due Monday, 12/3

Research one Arab city of your choosing, and bring into class 3-5 pictures of the city. For each picture, describe what you see by using the form below.

في هذه الصورة، انا اشوف- In this picture, I see

Due Monday, 11/19

Write a 7 sentence presentation on your life in DC, in the style of Ibrahim's presentation of Cairo. What is your life like in DC? What do you like/dislike about living here? What is the traffic like? What do people do on the weekends? What are the famous places that DC is known for?

Gamma: refine your descriptions of DC to include more detail about people and the city.

Due Friday, 11/16

Review the video and DC vocabulary. Be ready to summarize the video in class in writing.

Due Thursday, 11/15

Use the video posted here and watch the traffic patterns of Cairo. Is there any discernible order? Write down 3-4 sentences describing the traffic patterns.

Due Tuesday, 11/13, Wednesday, 11/14 for Alpha

Gamma and Beta: write 4-5 sentences describing DC using the new DC vocabulary. Describe what your life is like as a student, and what DC has to offer as a city.

Alpha: what does Ibrahim say about part 3? How do people in Cairo live during the day and night in the same way? Write down more details to describe part 3, and review the words to describe DC.

Due Monday, 11/12

1. Listen to part 3 of the video assignment, and determine what Ibrahim says about Cairo. Write down what you've understood from the video under part 3.

2. Write a reflection on our English conversations this past week. Write about the relationship to learning a language and learning how to operate in the language's culture, and write about the toll immersive study has had on you this past quarter. Use the iceberg metaphor, or the metaphors of rewiring hardware, learning how to play a sport, or an instrument to discuss the emotional toll learning language may have on the learner.

3. Write reflections on quarter one. Write about what has gone well for you, what has been most challenging (bottom of the rollercoaster?) and what has been most enjoyable/rewarding (peak of rollercoaster?). Finally, write some suggestions for yourself on how to handle the difficulties of immersion, and some suggestions for me to help you access content in an immersive setting.

Due Thursday, 11/8 (Beta and Alpha)

Listen to part three and determine what Ibrahim says about Cairo. How do the people in Cairo live? What examples does Ibrahim give to explain himself?

Due Wednesday, 11/7, Thursday, 11/8 for Gamma

Summarize part two, and write about the countries that Ibrahim visited in the Arab world. Where did he visit? Why did he visit those countries? Why did he do in those countries? Use the link below to read about the Umrah pilgrimage to understand why Ibrahim traveled to Saudi Arabia.

In addition, listen to part three and determine what Ibrahim says about Cairo. How do the people live? What examples does Ibrahim give to explain himself?

Due Tuesday, 11/6

Use the link below and the handout in class to determine where Ibrahim has traveled, what he did where, and how long he was in each country. Write 3-4 sentences to describe what the speaker talked about in part 1.

Beta: use the link posted here to understand why Ibrahim visited Mecca for the Umrah pilgrimage. In addition, determine why Ibrahim visited each country in the Middle East. What did he do in each country?

Due Monday, 11/5

Use the link posted here and the vocabulary passed out in class to listen to part 1. Determine where Ibrahim has traveled, what he did where, and how long he was in each country. Write 3-4 sentences to describe what the speaker talked about in part 1.

Beta: listen to the whole video to understand the context of the video, but focus on part 2. Think about what countries he's traveled to (countries in the Middle East in part 2), and why he traveled to those countries/what he did in each country. Write a few sentences detailing what you learned about the speaker in part 2.

Due Wednesday, 10/31, Thursday, 11/1 for Beta and Gamma

Write about one country you've traveled to, or one area in the US you've traveled to. Write about:

--> where you went

--> how long you stayed there

--> what you did/saw

--> who you went with

Alpha: write about why participating in clubs is a worthwhile activity here at Latin. This is a chance for you to create with the language.

مشاركة- participating

مهم- important

Beta: watch the video posted here and work through part one. Write at least three sentences about where he visited and what he did in each country.

Due Tuesday, 10/30, Wednesday, 10/31 for Beta

Choose one club that you attend, and write about the club. Write about:

--> what you do in the club

--> how often the club meets, and where it meets

--> why someone should join/go to the club

This is a chance for you to create with the language, circomlocute, and also use some specific vocabulary (can only ask for 2/3 words)

Due Monday, 10/29, Tuesday, 10/30 for Beta

Review Q1 vocabulary by either:

--> making flash cards

--> recording yourself speaking at length on topics that have given you trouble

--> writing at length, expressing yourself using the words you'd like to learn

Due Thursday, 10/25, Friday, 10/26 for Alpha and Gamma

Interview reflections due

Due Wednesday, 10/24, Thursday, 10/25 for Alpha and Gamma

Beta: interviews, final preparation, interview reflection due Thursday

Gamma: interviews finished, interview reflection due

Alpha: interview preparation, interview reflections due Friday

Due Tuesday, 10/23, Wednesday, 10/24 for Alpha

Prepare for your interviews by either voice recording what you plan on saying in your interviews, or write what you plan on saying.

Due Wednesday, 10/17, Thursday, 10/18 for Alpha and Gamma

Read and annotate the questions on list two to help prepare for the interview with Mr. Porcelli.

Due Tuesday, 10/16, Wednesday, 10/17 for Alpha

Read and annotate the questions on list one to help prepare for the interview with Mr. Porcelli next week.

Due Monday, 10/15

Choose 6 questions from the timed drill, record yourself answering each question in as many details as possible, and send to me by Sunday 10:00 pm for credit.

Due Thursday, 10/11, Friday, 10/12 for Alpha and Gamma

Read and annotate the timed drill passed out in class to be ready for the timed drill on Thursday/Friday. When you read: circle words you know, box words that look/sound/seem familiar, and underline words that you have a question about. We will go over your annotations before we have the timed drill.

Due Wednesday, 10/10, Thursday, 10/11 for Alpha and Gamma

Watch the video posted here, and complete the listening exercise handed out in class. In addition, list the rooms in the house, and write what she says about each room (if any), and your description of the room. There are six rooms in total.

Alpha: watch the video twice. First, watch the video without sound, and write 5 descriptions of the video. Second, listen to the video and try to pick out the names of each room.

Due Tuesday, 10/9, Wednesday, 10/10 for Alpha

Summarize both videos by Taha Abbas using the summarizing sheet handed out in class.

Beta and Alpha: summarize the first video, listen to the second video using the vocabulary handout, and write down what you understood.

Due Thursday, 10/4, Friday, 10/5 for Alpha and Gamma

Listen to the second video posted here, where Taha Abbas is talking about his life, his friends, his schooling, the music he likes, and his ex-girlfriend in Amiyah.

Alpha: listen the first video posted below, and write what you understood from the speaker.

Due Wednesday, 10/3, Thursday, 10/4 for Alpha and Gamma

Listen to the video posted here, and write a quick summary on what the speaker said. The speaker is speaking in Fusha, and he is talking about his life, his friends, and his schooling.

Beta: if you'd like to listen to the Amr Diab music video 'Nour al Ain,' it is posted here.

Alpha: pre-listen to the video. In addition, create a T chart in Arabic and write down four key differences between Amiyah and Fusha.

Due Tuesday, 10/2, Wednesday, 10/3 for Alpha

In Arabic, write down 5 pieces of information that you learned about the Prophet's family.

انا تعلّمت انّ- I learned that

Alpha: complete the worksheet on the Prophet's family tree. Fill in the missing information using the family tree.

Due Monday, 10/1

Complete the worksheet handed out in class. Fill in the missing information on the Prophet's family.

Alpha: draw out your family tree. Include your grandparents, aunts and uncles (maternal and paternal), as well as immediate family. Cousins are optional.

Due Friday, 9/28

Draw out your family tree in Arabic. Include your grandparents, aunts and uncles, and immediate family. Cousins are optional.

Due Wednesday, 9/26, Thursday, 9/27 for Beta

Complete your final drafts of your back to school night letters, and finish the listening exercise and questions attached posted here.

Due Tuesday, 9/25, Wednesday, 9/26 for Beta

Complete your draft re-writes. Re-write a second draft correcting the edits.

Due Monday, 9/24, Tuesday, 9/25 for Beta

Answer questions 1 and 2 about your family, and listen to the video posted here.

Due Thursday, 9/20, Friday, 9/21 for Alpha and Gamma

Complete the full summaries of the video (classwork from Monday, 9/17)

Due Wednesday, 9/19, Thursday, 9/20 for Alpha and Gamma

Complete the second half of your back to school night letters. Add in your class schedule (w/name of each teacher in Arabic) and your favorite class and why.

Due Tuesday, 9/18, Wednesday, 9/19 for Alpha

Write half of your rough draft letter for back to school night. In your rough drafts, you should include:

--> introduction (name, age, where you live, hobbies, why you study Arabic)

--> your daily routine during the week/daily routine during the weekend

--> what you study in school (w/ name of each teacher in Arabic)

--> favorite class صفي المفضل and why

For Tuesday, write your introductions and daily routine

Due Monday, 9/17

Listen to part three, and summarize part three.

Due Thursday, 9/13, Friday, 9/14 for Alpha and Gamma

Gamma: Complete part two of the video. Listen for words you know, and listen for words that sound familiar to you. Use context to isolate words that are familiar/that you can infer, but also allow the details to fall into place.

Review the chorus to 'Ya Rayah,' and use the link to listen to the song and sing along at home. Read and annotate the Arabic lyrics, and read the lyrics in English as well. Box words you know, underline words that are familiar to you, and circle words you'd like clarification on (words you think are important).

Alpha: summarize part one of the video, and listen to part two of the video. Write down what you understood from part one, and have a general understanding of the second part of the video.

Due Wednesday, 9/12, Thursday, 9/13 for Alpha and Gamma

Write a summary of part 1 of the video here (separated by time stamp). Write at least 4-5 sentences on the professor's routine, where he lives, how he gets to the university, what time he arrives, what time he returns home, and what he does after he returns home.

Due Tuesday, 9/11, Wednesday, 9/12 for Alpha

Complete the first page of the handout in class.

Due Monday, 9/10

1. Complete the English language reflection assignment. Guidelines: answer each question in at least 4 sentences.

2. Write out your full weekly routine, including at least five instances of the adverbs below:

حوالي- around

احياناً- sometimes

دائماً- always

حسب على- depends (ing) on


متأخر- late

Due Thursday, 9/6, Friday, 9/7 for Alpha and Gamma

Write out your after school routine. Include how you return home, using بعدين/ثم (after that) to separate each action in order.

Pre-watch the video posted here and listen for the girl's routine. What does she do everyday? Listen for words you know, use context to think about words you don't know, and listen for words that sound like English words. We will spend time in class working on the video.

Due Wednesday, 9/5, Thursday, 9/6 for Alpha and Gamma

Write out your morning routine in order, using بعدين/ثم (after that) to separate each action in order. Write out how you get to school as well.

Due Tuesday, 9/3, Wednesday, 9/4 for Alpha

Write 6 activities that you did over the long weekend.

--> include at least 3 new activities from the weather/labor day prediction packets.

Due Thursday, 8/30, Friday, 8/31 for Alpha and Gamma

Be ready to present your weather/long weekend predictions in class.

Due Wednesday, 8/29 , Thursday, 8/30 for Gamma

Complete questions 1-3 of the second page of the packet handed out in class.

Use the video posted here to answer each question.

Due Tuesday, 8/28, Wednesday, 8/29 for Alpha

Complete questions 1-3 of the front page of the handout in class.